Today we're looking at the list of terms related to weather and atmosphere like temperature, degrees, wind etc.
The list provided below consists of English terms and the consequent Korean terms related to it.
You must be aware of the terms used to define the seasons in Korean which is 계절.
The Weather in Korean is called 날씨, 기상 or 일기. But the weather forecast is called 기상 예보 or 일기 예보 and never 날씨 예보.
Following is the list of weather related terms in English and Korean.
NO. | English Term | Korean Term |
1 | Weather forecast | 일기 예보 |
2 | Cloud | 구름 |
3 | Wind | 바람 |
4 | West wind | 하늬바람 |
5 | North wind | 된바람 |
6 | North eastern wind | 높새바람 |
7 | East wind | 샛바람 |
8 | Southern wind | 마파람 |
9 | Head wind | 맞바람 |
10 | Rain | 비 |
11 | Raindrops | 빗방울 |
12 | Showers, rain | 소나기 |
13 | Drizzle | 보슬비 |
14 | Light rain, sprinkle | 이슬비 |
15 | Heavy rain | 폭우 |
16 | Rainy season | 장마 |
17 | To rain cats and dogs | 비가 억수같이 내리다 |
18 | To pour | 퍼붓다 |
19 | The rain is picking up | 빗발이 굵어지다 |
20 | Flood | 홍수 |
21 | Snow | 눈 |
22 | The first snow | 첫눈 |
23 | Snowflake | 눈송이 |
24 | Large flakes of snow | 함박눈 |
25 | Powdery snow | 싸락눈 |
26 | Heavy snow | 폭설 |
27 | Hail | 우박 |
28 | To snow heavily | 눈이 펑펑 내리다 |
29 | Snow-plow car | 제설차 |
30 | Snowball fight | 눈싸움 |
31 | Snowman | 눈사람 |
32 | Icicle | 고드름 |
33 | Lightning | 번개 |
34 | Thunder | 천둥 |
35 | Typhoon | 태풍 |
36 | Fog | 안개 |
37 | Yellow dust | 황사 |
38 | Temperature | 온도/기온 |
39 | Below zero | 영하 |
40 | The high | 최고 |
41 | The low | 최저 |
42 | Wind chill index | 체감온도 |
43 | Nice weather | 날씨가 좋다 |
44 | To be sunny | 화창하다 |
45 | To be clear | 맑다 |
46 | To stop raining, to become clear | 개다 |
47 | To be balmy | 상쾌하다 |
48 | To be cool | 시원하다 |
49 | To be cloudy | 흐리다 |
50 | Fog sets in | 안개 끼다 |
51 | To be dull, gloomy | 우중충하다 |
52 | To be murky | 음산하다 |
53 | Unpredictable weather | 날씨가 변덕스럽다 |
54 | To rain occasionally | 비가 오락가락 하다 |
55 | To be cold | 춥다 |
56 | To be chilly | 쌀쌀하다 |
57 | To be chilblained | 동상에 걸리다 |
58 | To be nippy | 살을 에는 듯하다 |
59 | To be freeze to death | 얼어 죽을 것 같다 |
60 | To be hot | 덥다 |
61 | To be sultry | 후덥지근하다 |
62 | To be sticky | 끈적거리다 |
63 | To be swelter | 찌는듯이 덥다 |
64 | To be muggy | 무덥다 |
65 | To be affected by the heat/hot weather | 더위를 먹다 |
66 | Tropical night | 열대야 |
67 | Boiling point | 끓는점 |
68 | Freezing point | 어는점 |
69 | Thermometer | 온도계 |
70 | Celsius | 섭씨 |
71 | Fahrenheit | 화씨 |
72 | Zero degrees | 영 도 |
73 | Heavy rain warning | 호우 주의보 |
74 | Flood warning | 홍수 경보 |
75 | Typhoon alert | 태풍 주의보 |
76 | Typhoon warning | 태풍 경보 |
77 | Heavy sea warning | 파랑 주의보 |
78 | Spring | 봄 |
79 | Summer | 여름 |
80 | Autumn | 가을 |
81 | Winter | 겨울 |
82 | Climate | 기후 |
83 | Three hottest days of the year | 삼복 |
84 | Hottest day | 복날 |
85 | First hottest day | 초복 |
86 | Second hottest day | 중복 |
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Learning Korean can be tricky, especially when the goal of your learning is conversation. If you’ve ever attempted to speak Korean but were unable to, then hopefully you’ll find this post helpful.
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