Today we have brought to you the list of terms and words related to household items and appliances used at home which you may come across more often and might find useful at some point in your language learning journey.
No. | Korean Term | English Term |
1 | 세탁기 | Washing machine |
2 | 드럼세탁기 | Front-loading washer |
3 | 보일러 | Boiler |
4 | 라디에이터 | Radiator |
5 | 온풍기 / 히터 | Fan heater |
6 | 전기스토브 | Electric heater |
7 | 에어컨 | Air conditioner |
8 | 선풍기 | Electric fan |
9 | 청소기 | Vacuum cleaner |
10 | 냉장고 | Refrigerator |
11 | 냉동실 | Freezing compartment |
12 | 냉장실 | Freezer |
13 | 김치냉장고 | Refrigerator for Kimchi |
14 | 양문형 냉장고 | Side-by-side refrigerator |
15 | 식기세척기 | Dish washer |
16 | 오븐 | Oven |
17 | 미니오븐 | Mini-oven |
18 | 전자렌지/전자레인지 | Microwave oven |
19 | 가스렌지/가스레인지 | Gas stove |
20 | 전기스토브 | Electric cooking stove |
21 | 정수기 | Water purifier |
22 | 전기주전자 | Electric kettle |
23 | 전기밥솥 | Electric rice-cooker |
24 | 전기압력밥솥 | Electric pressure rice-cooker |
25 | 라디오 | Radio |
26 | 가습기 | Humidifier |
27 | 스탠드 | Desk Lamp |
28 | 전자사전 | Electronic dictionary |
29 | 플레이어 | CD Player |
30 | 엠피쓰리 | MP3 |
31 | 플레이스테이션 | PlayStation |
32 | 충전기 | Charger |
33 | 러닝머신 | Treadmill |
34 | 안마기 | Electric massager |
35 | 쓰레기통 | Trash Can |
36 | 쓰레기봉투 | Trash bag |
37 | 에어컨 | Air conditioner |
38 | 다리미 | Iron |
39 | 다리미판 | Ironing board |
40 | 빗자루 | Broom |
41 | 밀대 | Mop |
42 | 걸레 | Rag |
43 | 물걸레 | Wet rag |
44 | 마른걸레 | Dry rag |
45 | 청소기 | Vacuum cleaner |
46 | 소형 청소기 | Handheld vacuum |
47 | 먼지떨이 | Duster |
48 | 가구 광택제 | Furniture polish |
49 | 고무장갑 | Rubber gloves |
50 | 스펀지 | Sponge |
51 | 수세미 | Scrubbing sponge |
52 | 앞치마 | Apron |
53 | 소독 | Disinfectant |
54 | 방향제 | Air freshener |
55 | 펜치 | Pliers |
56 | 망치 | Hammer |
57 | 드라이버 | Screwdriver |
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Learning Korean can be tricky, especially when the goal of your learning is conversation. If you’ve ever attempted to speak Korean but were unable to, then hopefully you’ll find this post helpful.
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