Today we'll be looking at different terms related to vehicles and their different parts in Korean.
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No. | English Term | Korean Term | Romanisation |
1 | Car | 차/ 자동차/ 승용차 | Cha/ jadongcha/ seung-Yongcha |
2 | Taxi | 택시 | Taegsi |
3 | Black taxis in Korea which are more expensive to ride | 모범 택시 | Mobeom taegsi |
4 | Bus | 버스 | Beoseu |
5 | Inter City Bus | 시외버스 | Sioebeoseu |
6 | Express Bus | 고속버스 | Gosogbeoseu |
7 | Urban Bus | 시내버스 | Sinaebeoseu |
8 | Neighborhood Bus | 마을버스 | Ma-eulbeoseu |
9 | Subway, Metro | 지하철 | Jihacheol |
10 | Train | 기차 | Gicha |
11 | Plane | 비행기 | Bihaeng-gi |
12 | Ship | 배 | Bae |
13 | Motorcycle | 오토바이 | Otobai |
14 | Bicycle | 자전거 | Jajeongeo |
15 | Very small car that has the engine smaller than 1000cc | 경차 | Gyeongcha |
16 | Small / compact Car | 소형차 | Sohyeongcha |
17 | Van | 밴 | Baen |
18 | Foreign-made car, imported car | 외제차 | Oejecha |
19 | Convertible | 오픈카 | Opeunka |
20 | Sedan | 세단 | Sedan |
21 | Coupe | 쿠페 | Kupe |
22 | Sports car | 스포츠카 | Seupocheuka |
23 | Steering wheel | 핸들 | Haendeul |
24 | Tire | 타이어 | Taieo |
25 | Headlights | 헤드라이트 / 전조등 | Hedeulaiteu / jeonjodeung |
26 | Tail light | 미등 | Mideung |
27 | Reverse lights | 후진등 | Hujindeung |
28 | Brake light | 브레이크등 | Beuleikeudeung |
29 | Accelerator | 액셀러레이터 | Aegselleoleiteo |
30 | Brakes | 브레이크 | Beuleikeu |
31 | Clutch | 클러치 | Keulleochi |
32 | Hand brake | 사이드 브레이크 | Saideu beuleikeu |
33 | Rear view mirror | 백미러 | Baegmileo |
34 | Side mirror | 사이드미러 | Saideumileo |
35 | Gear shifter | 변속기/기어 | Byeonsoggi/gieo |
36 | Automatic gear shift | 오토 | Oto |
37 | Manual gear shift | 수동 | Sudong |
38 | License plate | 번호판 | Beonhopan |
39 | Seat belt | 안전벨트 | Anjeonbelteu |
40 | Passenger seat | 조수석 | Josuseog |
41 | Front seat | 앞좌석 | Apjwaseog |
42 | Back seat | 뒷좌석 | Dwisjwaseog |
43 | Speedometer | 속도계 | Sogdogye |
44 | Fuel gauge | 연료계 | Yeonlyogye |
45 | Wheel | 바퀴 | Bakwi |
46 | Blinker | 깜빡이 | Kkamppag-i |
47 | Wiper | 와이퍼 | Waipeo |
48 | Hood | 보닛 | Bo-nit |
49 | Sun roof | 선루프 | Seon-ru-peu |
50 | Air bag | 에어백 | E-eobaeg |
51 | Wheel cap | 휠캡 | Hwil-kaeb |
52 | Turn signal | 방향 지시등 | Bang-hyang ji-si-deung |
Learning Korean can be tricky, especially when the goal of your learning is conversation. If you’ve ever attempted to speak Korean but were unable to, then hopefully you’ll find this post helpful.
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