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In this blog we’ll be learning the usages of "N-탓에 A/V-(으)ㄴ/는 탓에 ", the rules to conjugate with some example sentences 

Usage :

This grammar pattern has several usage~

An expression used to indicate that the preceding statement is the reason or cause for the following negative phenomenon.

The reason or cause for the 1st clause to have the negative consequence on the 2nd clause.

The word ~탓 means the reason, fault or blame. It could mean the reason why something bad happens.

Eg: 모두 제 탓입니다 - It's all my fault. 

그는 항상 남의 탓을 한다 - He always blames others.

N-탓에 A/V-(으)ㄴ/는 탓에

This grammar pattern can be used with adjectives, verbs and nouns.

Lets see the different ways to conjugate this grammar with adjectives, verbs and nouns.
In case of Adjective:
~(으)ㄴ 탓에  is used with present tense~

If the Adjective stem ends with a vowel add ~ㄴ 탓에 and it ends with a consonant then add ~은 탓에 after the stem.  

가난하다 - 가난한 탓에

(Because someone is poor.)

감사하다 - 감사한 탓에

(Because someone is thankful.)

거대하다 - 거대한 탓에

(Because it is huge. )

괜찮다 - 괜찮은 탓에

(Because it is okay.)

엷다 - 엷은 탓에

(Because it is thin.)

좁다 - 좁은 탓에

(Because it is narrow.)

엄청나다 - 엄청난 탓에

(Because it is a lot.)

흐리다 - 흐린 탓에

(Because it is cloudy.)

~았/었던 탓에 is used with past tense~

If the stem ends with 오 or 아 add 았던 탓에 otherwise add 었던 탓에 after the stem. If the stem ends with 하 it changes to 했던 탓에. 

가난하다 - 가난했던 탓에

(Because someone was poor.)

감사하다 - 감사했던 탓에

(Because someone was thankful.)

거대하다 - 거대했던 탓에

(Because it was huge.) 

괜찮다 - 괜찮었던 탓에

(Because it was okay.)

엷다 - 엷었던 탓에

(Because it was thin.)

좁다 - 좁었던 탓에

(Because it was narrow.)

엄청나다 - 엄청났던 탓에

(Because it was a lot.)

흐리다 - 흐렸던 탓에

(Because it was cloudy.)


In case of Verb :
~는 탓에 is used with present tense.

In case of present tense simply add 는 탓에 after the verb stem irrespective of whether the verb stem ends with a constant or vowel.

가다 - 가는 탓에

(Because someone goes.)

가져가다 - 가져가는 탓에

(Because someone takes it. ) 

깨닫다 - 깨닫는 탓에

(Because I realise.)

가지다 - 가지는 탓에

(Because I have it.) 

걱정하다 - 걱정하는 탓에

(Because I worry.)

닮다 - 닮는 탓에

(Because of the resemblance.)

도와주다 - 도와주는 탓에

(Because of helping. )

떠나다 - 떠나는 탓에

(Because of leaving.)

(으)ㄴ 탓에 is used with past tense~

If the verb stem ends with a vowel add ~ㄴ 탓에 and add ~은 탓에 after the stem if it ends with a consonant. 

가다 - 간 탓에

(Because someone went.)

가져가다 - 가져간 탓에

(Because I took it.)

깨닫다 - 깨달은 탓에

( Because I realised it. )

가지다 - 가진 탓에

(Because I had it.)

걱정하다 - 걱정한 탓에

(Because I was worried.)

닮다 - 닮은 탓에

(Because it resembles.)

도와주다 - 도와준 탓에

(Because I helped.)

떠나다 - 떠난 탓에

(Because I left.)

In case of Noun :
~인 탓에 in case of present tense

비 - 비인 탓에

날씨 - 날씨인 탓에

학교 - 학교인 탓에


~였던 탓에 in case of past tense

비 - 비였던 탓에

날씨 - 날씨였던 탓에

학교 - 학교였던 탓에

Specific usage:

1. ~ 탓이다 can be used at the end of the sentence. 

2. ~(으)ㄴ/는 탓에 is used for negative result. Contrary to this in the case of positive results (으)ㄴ/는 덕분에 or 기 때문에 is used instead of (으)ㄴ/는 탓에.

Let's look at some example sentences :

1) 올해는 비가 많이 온 탓에 농산물값이 작년보다 인상되었다.

Due to the heavy rain this year, agricultural product prices have risen compared to last year.

2) 지수의 성적이 떨어진 것은 자주 친구들과 어울려 논 탓이다.

The reason Jisoo's grades fell is because she often played with her friends.

3) 유민이는 성격이 급한 탓에 사소한 실수를 자주 한다.

Because of her quick temper, Yu-min often makes minor mistakes.

4) 민준이는 듣기 문제에 집중을 못한 탓에 영어 성적이 떨어졌다.

Minjun's English grades fell because he couldn't concentrate on the listening problem.

5) 그 선수는 너무 긴장한 탓으로 세계 대회에서 실력 발휘를 하지 못했다.

The player was so nervous that he was unable to perform at the world championships.

6) 날씨가 갑자기 추워진 탓에 감기에 걸렸다.

I caught a cold because the weather suddenly turned cold.

7) 민준이는 배가 고파서 급하게 밥을 먹은 탓에 체하고 말았다.

Minjun pretended to be hungry because he ate in a hurry.

8) 지수는 한 과목에서 낮은 점수를 받은 탓으로 장학금을 받지 못했다.

Jisoo did not receive a scholarship because she scored low in one subject.

9) 그 후보자는 사람들의 지지가 낮은 탓에 선거에서 탈락하고 말았다.

The candidate was dropped from the election due to low public support.

10) 나는 항상 우울했던 탓에 여자친구들이랑 항상 빨리 헤어졌어요.

I always broke up with my girlfriends quickly because I was always depressed.

11) 아침마다 단백질 쉐이크를 마시고 운동을 안 한 탓에 살이 많이 쪘어요.

I gained a lot of weight because I drank protein shakes every morning and didn't exercise.

12) 내 부모님들이 부자였던 탓에 범인들이 죽였어요.

The criminals killed me because my parents were rich.

To understand TOPIK Test structure, application process, Levels and Passing scores etc. check these pages:

  1. TOPIK – The Complete Guide & 2. TOPIK Levels and Passing Marks. You can also Practice Online with TOPIK GUIDE Mock Tests.

If you are going to take the TOPIK Test for the first time, or if you want to give your score a boost so that you can pass a higher level, we would strongly advise you to get the Complete Guide to TOPIK – Self-Study Package. It is a digital study package that has everything you need to get a great score in the TOPIK test – all the past TOPIK papers with answer sheets, grammar and vocabulary study material, video tutorials explaining the test structure, strategies to solve them and much more. You can check out more details about this study package HERE.

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