Complete Guide to TOPIK - Self Study Package BX0121


Best Self-Study Course to Prepare for TOPIK Test

TOPIK GUIDE 500 Most Basic Korean Verbs
May 31, 2018
Dr. Satish Satyarthi

To understand TOPIK Test structure, application process, Levels and Passing scores etc. check these pages: 1. TOPIK – The Complete Guide & 2. TOPIK Levels and Passing Marks. You can also Practice Online with TOPIK GUIDE Mock Tests.

If you are going to take the TOPIK Test for the first time, or if you want to give your score a boost so that you can pass a higher level, we would strongly advise you to get the Complete Guide to TOPIK – Self-Study Package. It is a digital study package that has everything you need to get a great score in the TOPIK test – all the past TOPIK papers with answer sheets, grammar and vocabulary study material, video tutorials explaining the test structure, strategies to solve them and much more. You can check out more details about this study package HERE.

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500 Most Common Korean Adjectives

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100 Most Common Korean Verbs

Korean English
가다 to go
가르치다 to teach
가리키다 to point, to indicate
가져가다 to take, to carry
가져오다 to bring; to cause
가지다 to have, to possess
갈아입다 to change (one’s clothes)
갈아타다 to change/transfer to (car, metro, train etc.)
감다 (1) to close (one’s eyes)
감다 (2) to wind up, to coil
감사하다 to appreciate, to thank
감추다 to hide, to disguise
강조하다 to emphasize
갖추다 to prepare, to be equipped (with)
개발하다 to develop, to create
거두다 to collect; to achieve
거짓말하다 to lie, to tell a lie
걱정하다 to worry (about)
건너다 to cross (over)
걷다 to walk
걸다 to hang; to call
걸리다 (1) to hang, to be hung; to catch (a cold)
걸리다 (2) to take (time)
걸어가다 to go on foot, to walk
걸어오다 to come on foot
겪다 to experience, to undergo
견디다 to endure, to bear, to stand
결심하다 to resolve
결정되다 to be decided
결정하다 to decide
결혼하다 to marry
경험하다 to experience
계산하다 to calculate; to pay
계속되다 to continue; to be continued
계속하다 to continue, to keep (on)
계시다 to be, to stay (honorific of 있다)
고려하다 to consider
고르다 to choose, to select
고생하다 to have a hard time, to suffer
고치다 to repair, to fix; to revise/edit
공부하다 to study
관련되다 to be related (to)
관찰하다 to observe, to watch
관하다 concerning, regarding
구경하다 to see the sights, to look around
구성되다 to be composed, to be formed
구하다 (1) to seek; to get
구하다 (2) to rescue, to save
굽다 to roast, to grill; to bake
그러다 to do that, to do this
그리다 to draw, to paint
그만두다 to stop, to drop, to quit
그치다 to stop, to cease
근무하다 to work
기다리다 to wait
기대하다 to expect, to anticipate
기록하다 to record, to write
기르다 to raise, to grow; to develop
기뻐하다 to rejoice, to be happy
기억나다 to remember, to come to mind
기억하다 to remember, to recall
기울이다 to lean; to pay (attention)
깎다 to peel, to cut; to cut down, to discount
깨다 (1) to wake (up); to sober up
깨다 (2) to break, to smash
깨닫다 to realize, to become aware
꺼내다 to pull, to take out
꾸미다 to decorate; to invent, to fabricate
꿈꾸다 to dream (of)
끄다 to put out; to switch off
끄덕이다 to nod, to give a nod
끊다 to cut; to stop; to hang up
끊어지다 to get cut; to be disconnected
끌다 to pull, to draw; to drag, to prolong
끓다 to boil
끝나다 to end, to be over
끝내다 to finish, to put an end to
나가다 to go out; to attend; to leave, to quit
나누다 to divide, to split; to share
나다 to grow, to sprout; to happen, to occur
나빠지다 to become worse
나서다 to come/step forward
나오다 to come out, to turn up; to finish; to quit
나타나다 to appear
나타내다 to show, to express
날다 to fly
날아가다 to fly away, to fly off; to be gone
남기다 to leave (behind)
남다 to remain, to be left
낳다 to give birth to; to produce
내놓다 to put out, to take out
내다 to give, to put; to hand in; to pay
내려가다 to go down
내려오다 to come down
내리다 to fall; to get off; to lower
내밀다 to stick out, to stretch out
넘기다 to pass, to pass over, to turn (over)
넘다 to cross, to pass
넘어가다 to cross; to move on
넘어서다 to cross, to pass
넘치다 to overflow, to brim over
넣다 to put (something in)
노래하다 to sing a song
노력하다 to endeavor, to strive
놀다 to play, to hang out with
놀라다 to be surprised
높이다 to make something high, to increase
놓다 to lay, to put; to release, to let go
놓이다 to be put, to be laid; to feel relieved
놓치다 to miss (bus, opportunity)
누르다 to press
눕다 to lie
느끼다 to feel
늘다 to increase; to improve
늘리다 to increase, to lengthen
늘어나다 to stretch; to grow, to increase
늙다 to get old
늦다 to be late
다가가다 to approach
다가오다 to approach, to come up
다녀오다 to go and get back
다니다 to go (to); to attend
다치다 to hurt, to be wounded
다하다 to run out; to carry out, to fulfill
닦다 to clean, to wash
닫다 to close
닫히다 to be closed, to close
달다 to hoist, to attach, to wear
달라지다 to change, to alter
달려가다 to run, to dash
달리다 (1) to run
달리다 (2) to hang; to be up to, to depend on
달아나다 to escape, to run away
닮다 to resemble, to look like
담기다 to be put in
담다 to put, to hold
당기다 to pull, to draw
당하다 to go through, to suffer
닿다 to touch, to reach
대다 to put, to apply, to touch
대답하다 to answer, to reply
대하다 to treat, to face; concerning
더하다 to add
던지다 to throw
덮다 to cover, to close
데려가다 to take (a person)
데려오다 to bring, to fetch
데리다 to pick somebody up
도망가다 to run away
도와주다 to help
도착하다 to arrive
돌다 to turn, to rotate
돌리다 to change, to convert; to spin, to turn
돌보다 to take care, to look after
돌아가다 to return; to pass away
돌아보다 to look back
돌아오다 to return, to come back
돕다 to help
되다 to become, to come to
두다 to put, to set
둘러보다 to look around
둘러싸다 to surround
드러나다 to come out, to appear, to be exposed
드러내다 to show, to reveal
드리다 to give (honorific of 주다)
듣다 to hear, to listen
들다 (1) to take, to cost; to contain; to catch
들다 (2) to raise; to hold
들르다 to drop by
들리다 to be heard, to sound
들어가다 to enter, to go into
들어서다 to enter, to go into; to be built
들어오다 to enter, to come into
들여다보다 to look in(to)
따다 to pick, to get; to unlock
따라가다 to follow, to go after; to match
따라오다 to follow; to match
때리다 to beat, to hit
떠나다 to leave
떠오르다 to rise up; to occur
떠올리다 to recall, to recollect
떨다 to shake, to quiver
떨리다 to quiver, to tremble
떨어지다 to fall, to drop; to fail; to run out
떼다 to take off, to detach
뛰다 (1) to run, to dash
뛰다 (2) to jump; to beat
뜨다 (1) to float, to rise
뜨다 to open (one’s eyes)
뜻하다 to mean, to indicate
마련하다 to prepare, to arrange
마르다 to dry, to run dry; to become thin
마시다 to drink, to have
마치다 to end, to finish
막다 to block; to stop, to prevent
막히다 to be blocked, to be stopped, to be clogged
만나다 to meet
만들다 to make, to produce
만족하다 to be satisfied, to be content
만지다 to touch
말다 to stop
말씀하다 to say, to speak (honorific of 말하다)
말하다 to say, to speak
맞다 (1) to be right, to be correct; to fit
맞다 (2) to be hit, to be beaten; to get
맞다 (3) to face a certain time; to greet, to welcome
맞추다 to check, compare; to adjust
맞히다 to guess right, to hit the mark
맡기다 to entrust, to leave
맡다 (1) to take care of, to take on; to keep
맡다 (2) to smell, to sniff
매다 to tie, to fasten, to wear
머무르다 to stay
먹다 to eat, to have, to take
먹이다 to feed
멈추다 to stop, to halt
모르다 to not know
모시다 to take care of; to take, to bring (honorific form of 데리다)
모으다 to gather, to collect
모이다 to gather, to come together
모자라다 to be short, to be insufficient
몰다 to steer, to drive
못하다 to be poor; to be incapable, cannot
무너지다 to collapse, to give way
무시하다 to ignore, to neglect
묶다 to tie, to bind
묻다 to ask
물다 to bite; to hold something in one’s mouth
물어보다 to ask
미루다 to delay, to postpone; to shift blame
미워하다 to hate, to dislike
미치다 to go crazy
믿다 to believe, to trust
밀다 to push
바꾸다 to change, to switch
바뀌다 to change, to be changed
바라다 to wish, to hope, to want
바라보다 to look (at)
바르다 to apply, to put on
반대하다 to oppose
받다 to get, to take, to receive
받아들이다 to accept
발견되다 to be discovered, to be found
발견하다 to discover, to find
발달하다 to develop, to advance
발생하다 to happen, to occur
발전하다 to develop, to grow
발표하다 to announce, to make public
밝히다 to reveal, to disclose; to light
밟다 to step on
방문하다 to visit
배우다 to learn
버리다 to throw away, to abandon
벌다 to make (money), to earn (money)
벌리다 to be profitable, to spread
벌어지다 to get wider; to happen
벌이다 to start, to begin
벗다 to take off, to undress
벗어나다 to get out
변하다 to change, to vary
변화하다 to change, to turn
보내다 to send; to pass, to spend
보다 to see, to watch, to look at
보이다 (1) to be seen, to look
보이다 (2) to show, to let somebody see
볶다 to stir-fry
뵙다 to see, to meet (humble form of 만나다)
부르다 to call; to sing
부탁하다 to ask for a favor, to request
불다 to blow
붓다 to pour
붙다 to stick (to); to pass (a test)
붙이다 to stick
비교하다 to compare
비다 to be empty, to be vacant
비추다 to shine, to reflect
비치다 to shine, to be reflected
빌리다 to borrow, to take out a loan
빛나다 to shine, to sparkle
빠져나가다 to get out, to escape
빠지다 (1) to sink; to be absorbed
빠지다 (2) to fall out; to be dropped; to be absent
빼다 to remove, to subtract, to take out
뽑다 to pull; to select, to choose
뿌리다 to spread, to sprinkle
사다 to buy
사라지다 to disappear
사랑하다 to love
사용되다 to be used
사용하다 to use
살다 to live
실리다 to save (someone)
살펴보다 to examine, to search, to check
상상하다 to imagine
생각나다 to remember, to occur
생각되다 to be considered, to be thought
생각하다 to think
생겨나다 to originate, to form
생기다 to be formed, to look (like)
서다 to stand; to stop
서두르다 to hurry, to rush
섞다 to mix, to blend; to shuffle
선물하다 to give a present
선택하다 to choose, to select
설명하다 to explain
성공하다 to succeed
세우다 to make something stand; to set up; to stop
소개하다 to introduce
소리치다 to shout, to yell
속하다 to belong to
숨다 to hide
쉬다 to rest, to relax, to take a day off
시달리다 to suffer from, to worry about
시작되다 to start, to begin (by itself)
시작하다 to start, to begin (Something)
시키다 to make (somebody do); to order
식사하다 to have a meal
신다 to put on, to wear (on feet)
싣다 to load
실례하다 to annoy, to trouble
실수하다 to make a mistake
실패하다 to fail
싫어하다 to hate, to dislike
심다 to plant
싸다 to wrap; to pack
싸우다 to fight, to argue
쌓다 to pile, to stack, to accumulate
쌓이다 to be stacked, to pile up
썰다 to cut, to chop, to slice
쏟아지다 to pour
쓰다 (1) to write
쓰다 (2) to wear, to put on (on or overhead)
쓰다 (3) to use, to spend
쓰이다 to be used
씹다 to chew, to bite
씻다 to wash
아끼다 to save; to cherish
안다 to hug, to hold
안되다 to be unsuccessful
앉다 to sit
않다 to be not
알다 to know
알리다 to let somebody know, to inform
알아보다 to check, to investigate; to recognize
앓다 to suffer (from), to be sick
애쓰다 to try, to endeavour
약속하다 to promise
어울리다 to get along; to match, to suit
얻다 to borrow; to gain, to get
없애다 to remove, to get rid of
여행하다 to travel
연구하다 to study, to research
연습하다 to practice
열다 to open
열리다 to open, to be opened
오다 to come
오르다 to rise, to go up
올라가다 to go up, to rise
올라오다 to come up
올리다 to raise, to lift, to post
옮기다 to move, to shift
외치다 to shout, to yell
요구하다 to request, to demand
요리하다 to cook
운동하다 to do exercise
운전하다 to drive
울다 to cry, to weep
울리다 to make somebody cry; to sound, to ring
움직이다 to move
웃기다 to make somebody laugh; to be funny
웃다 to laugh, to smile
원하다 to want, to wish
위하다 to care for; for
의미하다 to mean
의하다 to be due to, to be based on
이기다 to win, to beat; to overcome
이루다 to make, to form; to achieve
이루어지다 to be made up of; to be achieved
이사하다 to move (house), to shift
이야기하다 to talk
이용하다 to use
이해하다 to understand
이혼하다 to divorce
인사하다 to greet
일어나다 to get up, to stand up; to happen
일어서다 to stand up
일으키다 to raise; to cause
일하다 to work
읽다 to read
잃다 to lose, to be deprived of
잃어버리다 to lose something
입다 to put on, to wear; to suffer
잇다 to connect, to continue
있다 to be, to exist, to have
잊다 to forget
잊어버리다 to forget
자다 to sleep
자라다 to grow (up)
자랑하다 to boast, to show off
자르다 to cut, to sever
잘되다 to go well
잘못되다 to go wrong
잘못하다 to do wrong
잘하다 to do something well
잠들다 to go to sleep, to fall asleep
잠자다 to sleep
잡다 to catch, to hold
잡히다 to be caught
적다 to write (down)
전하다 to tell, to convey, to deliver
전화하다 to make a phone call
정리하다 to arrange, to organize
정하다 to decide, to determine
젖다 to get wet
제공하다 to offer, to provide
조사하다 to investigate, to look into
조심하다 to be careful, to watch out
졸다 to doze off
졸업하다 to graduate
좋아하다 to like, to enjoy
주다 to give
주장하다 to insist
죽다 to die
죽이다 to kill
준비하다 to prepare
줄어들다 to decrease, to shrink
줄이다 to reduce, to decrease (something)
쥐다 to hold, to clasp
즐기다 to enjoy, to have fun
증가하다 to increase, to grow
지나가다 to pass (by)
지나다 to pass, to go by
지내다 to spend one’s time; to get along
지다 to lose, to be defeated
지르다 to shout, to yell
지우다 to delete, to remove
지치다 to be exhausted, to be tired
지켜보다 to watch, to observe
지키다 to keep, to obey; to guard
진행되다 to progress, to proceed
질문하다 to ask, to question
집다 to pick up
짓다 to make, to build, to name
찍다 to spear; to stamp; to take (a picture)
차다 to kick; to dump
차리다 to set, to prepare; to regain, to recover
참다 to suppress, to bear, to endure
참석하다 to attend, to participate
찾다 to find, to look for
 찾아가다 to go, to visit; to pick up
찾아보다 to look for, to find
찾아오다 to come, to visit; to pick up
채우다 to fill
챙기다 to take, to pack; to take care of
청소하다 to clean
쳐다보다 to gaze, to stare
초대하다 to invite
추다 to praise (up), to flatter
축하하다 to celebrate, to congratulate
출발하다 to depart, to leave
춤추다 to dance
취소하다 to cancel, to revoke
취하다 to be drunk
치다 to hit, to strike; to play; to take
커지다 to grow bigger
켜다 to turn on, to switch on
크다 to grow (up)
키우다 to raise, to bring up, to grow
타다 (1) to take, to ride, to get on
타다 (2) to burn, to be burned
태어나다 to be born
태우다 (1) to give a ride, to ride
태우다 (2) to burn
터지다 to explode; to break out
통하다 to go through; to communicate
틀다 to turn (e.g. a tap); to twist
틀리다 to be wrong, to be incorrect
팔다 to sell
펴다 to unfold, to spread, to open
펼쳐지다 to spread, to be held
펼치다 to open, to unfold
포기하다 to give up, to abandon
포함되다 to be included
포함하다 to include, to contain
표현하다 to express, to show
풀다 to untie, to unfasten; to solve
풀리다 to come untied; to be solved
피다 to bloom, to blossom
피우다 to light, to burn; to smoke
피하다 to avoid, to escape
하다 to do
해결하다 to settle, to solve
향하다 to head, to face (to a direction)
화나다 to be angry
확인하다 to confirm, to check
활용하다 to use
후회하다 to regret
흐르다 to flow, to run; to elapse, to pass
흔들다 to shake, to swing
흘리다 to shed, to drop


    • I haven’t checked all the words in the list but some words have more than one meanings and I think they have been repeated..

    • Leard hangul first… then watch korean etc. Or read… try to familiarize to those common words used in what you’re reading or on wht u hear… or u can stickynotes ur house… like what i did… example the television post a stickynote there 테레피전 for example then stick it on the Television. 🙂 everytime u saw that say it out loud… so that u’ll be familiarize to that word… also. Try to write hangul 🙂

  • I think you should take a close look at this list. If it’s truly a “Most Common Verb” list, it is lacking some of the most essential Korean verbs like “있다/없다” and “하다”. That alarms me. It’s a great list for me, but I’m Intermediate.

  • Thank you a ton for your hard job, your site is really helping me realize what I need to know for the 34rth topik. Keep up the good work~~

  • This post is so informative. Thank you because as a Filipina who is so eager to learn different languages like Spanish, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, English of course, Korean, Japanese, Mandarin, Thai, and etc, I am certainly needing this chart. Especially because there are 400 verb conjugations in Korea when combined. So how am I gonna memorize them easily like eating a fried chicken leg? So 감사합니다.

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