Complete Guide to TOPIK - Self Study Package BX0121


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Korean grammar pattern " V+거든(요) " has different usages. Today we'll be looking at the same with some example sentences.

A/V/N - 거든(요) [Korean Grammar]
Usage :

This grammar pattern has several usage. It is used in the first clause for giving an explanation by saying you are stating a fact and further continue with the second clause you will elaborate more about.

Letting something be known, denying something, used for setting some facts and is often used when someone is being defensive, or to let the other person know something. 

It can't be used in the first clause of a new conversation in response to an initial statement. 

~거든(요) lets the listener know that the speaker wants to continue with the explanation after stating a fact.

You can listen to the several dialogues in drama or movie for the comprehensible understanding with the help of the context, since the usage maybe quiet difficult to grasp just by reading some blogs on the usage of 거든요.

Adjective/ Verb  -거든요 (Present tense) / -았/었거든요 (Past tense) / -(으)ㄹ 거든요 (Past tense)
Rule for conjugation :

If the case of present tense : Irrespective of whether the adjective or verb stem ends with a consonant or vowel 거든요 has to be attached after dropping 다 from the root word.

In the case of past tense : If the stem ends with 오 or 아 then 았거든요 is used otherwise 었거든요 is used. 

In the case of future tense : If the stem ends with a consonant then 을거든요 is used and with the stem ending with vowel ㄹ거든요 is used

Let's see some example sentences related to the different usage of 좋다~ As 좋거든요 in present tense, 좋았거든요 in past tense and 좋을 거든요 in future tense.

1) 버스 서비스가 별로 안 좋거든요.

The bus service is not very good.

2) 연기 그만 하길 원하셨지만, 저는 연기가 좋았거든요.

My parents wanted me to quit acting, but I liked it.

3) 아마 문자를 주시는 것이 가장 좋을 거든요. 

It's probably best to text me.

Noun - (이)거든요 (Present tense) / -였거든요 (Past tense)
Rule for conjugation :

Irrespective of whether the noun ends with a consonant or vowel 이거든요 has to be attached after the noun in the present tense and -였거든요 in the past tense.

Let's see some example sentences related to the different usage of ~거든요 with Nouns.

1) 학생 - 학생이거든요.

Present Tense : 제가 항상 부지런한 1등 학생이거든요.

I'm always the most diligent student.

Past Tense : 제가 서울대학교 학생였거든요

I was a student at Seoul National University


2) 일요일 - 일요일이거든요.

Present Tense : 아시다시피, 8월 6일은 일요일이거든요.

As you know, August 6 is Sunday.

Past Tense : 지난 주말에 생일였거든요.

It was my birthday last weekend

Some example sentences :

1) 바쁘지 않거든 연락해요.

Call me if you're not busy.


2) 힘들거든 쉬었다가 하세요.

If it's hard, take a break.


3) 좋은 일이 있거든 알려 주세요.

Please let me know if there is a good thing.


4) 값이 적당하거든 삽시다.

If the price is right, let's buy it.


5) 마음에 안  들거든 그만 둡시다.

If you don't like it, stop.


6) 공항에 가요. 친구가 한국에 오거든요.

"I'm going to the airport because my friend is coming to Korea.


7) 나 지금 너무 슬프거든요. 혼자 내버려 둬요.

I'm so sad now. Please leave me alone.

8) 물속에 안 들어갔어. 너무 무서웠거든.

I didn’t go into the water. Because it was too scary


9) 생일 파티 있거든요.

I have a birthday party.


10) 그때 날씨가 아주 좋거든요.

The weather is very good. 


11) 그리고 개인적으로는 최근에 몸 상태가 별로 안 좋았거든요.

And personally, I have been a bit sick recently.


12) 읽을 만한 것을 찾고 있었거든요.

I’ve been looking for something good to read.


13) 나도 전에 같은 경험이 있었거든요.

I had the same experience before.


14) 우린 산으로 캠핑을 자주 가거든요.

We do a lot of camping in the mountains.


15) 근데 제가 진짜 많이 욱하거든요.

I lose my temper a lot.

16) 글쎄요, 저는 방금 아침을 먹었거든요.

Well, I just had breakfast.

17) 알아요, 보통 때는 그러지 않는데, 오늘은 저녁을 못 먹었거든요.

I know, I don't usually do it, but I missed dinner tonight.

18) 나는 지금 다이어트중이어서 점심때는 과일만 먹거든요.

I’m on a diet and eat only fruit at lunchtime.

19) 저는 술을 마실 때는 잘 먹지 않고 가끔 양배추 같은 야채를 먹거든요.

I rarely eat when I drink, but I sometimes have vegetables like cabbage.

To understand TOPIK Test structure, application process, Levels and Passing scores etc. check these pages:

  1. TOPIK – The Complete Guide & 2. TOPIK Levels and Passing Marks. You can also Practice Online with TOPIK GUIDE Mock Tests.

If you are going to take the TOPIK Test for the first time, or if you want to give your score a boost so that you can pass a higher level, we would strongly advise you to get the Complete Guide to TOPIK – Self-Study Package. It is a digital study package that has everything you need to get a great score in the TOPIK test – all the past TOPIK papers with answer sheets, grammar and vocabulary study material, video tutorials explaining the test structure, strategies to solve them and much more. You can check out more details about this study package HERE.

Learning Korean can be tricky, especially when the goal of your learning is conversation. If you’ve ever attempted to speak Korean but were unable to, then hopefully you’ll find this post helpful.

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