Today we'll be looking at the usages of ~(이)라고 Korean grammar with some examples.
Usage :
This grammar pattern roughly translates to "is called, called by, said as, said that" etc. For example, if you want to say, "I'm called Andy/People call me Andy", then you can say, "저는 앤디라고 해요".
Conjugation rule :
The basic conjugation rule is :
~이라고 is added after the final consonant.
~라고 is added after the final vowel.
For example :
- My friends call me mina.
제 친구는 저를 미나라고 해요.
- 'Hi' is said as "annyeong-haseyo" in Korean language.
"Hi" 는 한국어로 "안녕하세요"라고 해요.
- This is Korean traditional dress called Hanbok.
이거는 한국 전통 옷인데 한복이라고 해요.
It can be used as a post-positional particle used to indicate that one is not happy with the preceding statement.
- Having a son is such a nuisance to my parents.
아들이라고 하나 있는 게 이렇게 부모 속을 썩이네요.
- Are you listening to that noise as a song?
그 시끄러운 걸 지금 노래라고 듣고 있는 거예요?
- Seung-gyu said he was studying for two hours and then slept, saying he was tired.
승규는 공부라고 두 시간 하더니 피곤하다며 자요.
It can be used as a post-positional particle that indicates the cause or reason for the following content.
- A doctor can't know everything.
박사라고 모든 걸 다 알 수는 없어요.
- Being rich does not necessarily mean being happy.
부자라고 반드시 행복한 것은 아니에요.
- Do you think I'll be scared because I'm a girl?
내가 여자라고 겁도 많을 거라고 생각해요?
It can be used as a post-positional particle that means "everything is the same without exception."
Why are you making such a fuss about where we are?
여기가 어디라고 이렇게 소란을 피우느냐?
- He's the strongest among us. Who would you pick on him?
승규가 우리 중에 힘이 제일 센데 누구라고 덤비겠어요?