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Learning grammar is one of the most difficult things for Korean language learners. On this blog we will try to help you learn Korean grammar in the quickest and easiest way possible. This blog will be helpful for those who are studying Korean language and want to improve their grammar skills.

Today we’ll see how to form sentences with grammar pattern “Verb/Adj + Modifier + 것 같아요" with some example sentences. 

Verb + 것 같아요

것 같다 holds the similar meaning as "seems to be …." , "I think….." or "to be likely to….." in English. It used to express predictions when something seems to be like in a way which might be occurring, may have occurred or will occur in future.

 It is used with all three tenses and is added at the end of the sentences. 

  • Present tense : ~는 것 같다
  • Past tense : ~ㄴ/은 것 같다 or 았/었을 것 같다
  • Future tense : ㄹ/을 것 같다


  • I think it's raining : 비 오는 것 같아요.
  • I think it rained today : 오늘 비 온 것 같아요 /오늘 비 왔을 것 같아요.
  • I think it will rain today : 오늘 비 올 것 같아요.

In everyday life to sound more natural it's not necessary to write ~것 같아요 instead you can write ~거 같아요. 

When describing “것 같다” in the future tense, the situations are predicted by the speaker. 

It is possible to change “것 같다” used to express the future possibilities into expressing things that may have occurred in the past or might be occurring in the present. 

When doing this, instead of using the future conjugation of ~ㄹ/을 것 같다, you can use the past (~ㄴ/은 것 같다) OR present (~는 것 같다).

1. Examples to express the conjugation in present tense : 

  • I think my friend is waiting. - 친구는 기다리고 있는 거 같아요.
  • I think Somin and Yeobin are going to the theater to see a movie. - 소민이는 여빈이랑 영화 보려고 극장에 가는 거 같아요. 

2. Examples to express the conjugation in past tense :

  • I think my friend waited for a long time - 친구는 오래 기다린 것 같아요
  • I think Somin and Yeobin went to the theater to see a movie. - 소민이는 여빈이랑 영화 보려고 극장에 간 것 같아요.

3. Examples to express the conjugation in future tense : 

  • I think my friend will wait for me for long time - 친구는 오래 기다릴 것 같아요.
  • I think Somin and Yeobin will go to the theater to see a movie - 수민이는 유빈이랑 영화 보려고 극장에 갈 것 같아요.

Adj. + 것 같아요

For adjectives in 것 같다 grammar, we add...

  • Present tense : 은/ㄴ to the verb depending on whether or not there is a consonant to conjugate sentences.
  • Past tense : 았던/었던 to the verb depending on whether or not there is a consonant to conjugate sentences.
  • Future tense :ㄹ/을 to the verb depending on whether or not there is a consonant to conjugate sentences.

Example sentences :

  • I think it's too fast. - 너무 빠른 것 같아요.
  • I think she was happy to receive it as a birthday present - 생일 선물 받아서 기뻤던 것 같아요.
  • I think he'll be happy to see you tomorrow - 내일 만나서 행복할 것 같아요.

How to conjugate " Verb/Adj + Modifier + 것 같다 " grammar pattern?

Base forms










~ㄴ/은 or 았/었을


가는 것 같아요

먹은 것 같아요

먹었을 것 같아요

살 것 같아요








좋은 것 같아요

기뻤던 것 같아요

행복할 것 같아요

Learning Korean can be tricky, especially when the goal of your learning is conversation. If you’ve ever attempted to speak Korean but were unable to, then hopefully you’ll find this post helpful.

Thank you for reading. If you have any questions or suggestions. Comment down below. 

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