Complete Guide to TOPIK - Self Study Package BX0121


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V~(으) ㄹ테니까 [ Korean Grammar ]

Today we'll be looking at the usage of "V~(으)ㄹ 테니까" with some example sentences.


An expression used to indicate the speaker's intention to do the act mentioned in the preceding statement, as a condition for the following statement.

An expression used to indicate the speaker's strong guess as a condition for the following statement.

V~(으) ㄹ테니까 [ Korean Grammar ]
Now let's look at the conjugation rule :
1. When the verb stem ends with a consonant, add ~을 테니까 after removing 다 from the root verb.
V+을 테니까
 먹다- 먹 을 테니까
2. When the verb stem ends with a vowel, add ~ㄹ 테니까 after removing 다 from the root verb.
V+ㄹ 테니까
하다- 할 테니까

Example Sentences:

  • I'll clean up, so you wash the dishes.
    청소는 내가 할 테니까 너는 설거지를 해요.
  • I'll put the kids to sleep, so you get some rest.
    아이들은 내가 재울 테니까 당신은 좀 쉬어요.
  • If you get a call, I'll take notes, so feel free to go out.
    전화가 오면 내가 메모해 놓을 테니까 마음 놓고 외출하세요.
  •  I'll go to the campsite first and get a seat, so you come slowly.
    내가 캠프장에 먼저 가서 자리를 잡을 테니까 너는 천천히 와요.
  •  It will rain in the afternoon, so you'd better take an umbrella.
    오후에는 비가 올 테니까 우산을 가져가는 것이 좋겠어요.
  • The soup must have cooled down, so warm it up before you eat.
    국이 식었을 테니까 데워 드세요.
  • I'll probably be late for a company dinner, so don't wait.
    저는 아마 회식이 있어서 늦을 테니까 기다리지 마세요.
  • Jisoo must have arrived home by now, so call her.
    지수는 지금 쯤 집에 도착했을 테니까 전화해 보세요.
  • I'll meet people and conduct a survey, so Jisoo, please organize the results of the survey later.
    제가 사람들을 만나 설문 조사를 할 테니까 지수 씨는 나중에 조사 결과를 정리해 주세요.
  • Take the subway because it's time to get off work and the road will be blocked.
    퇴근 시간이라 길이 막힐 테니까 지하철을 타세요.

To understand TOPIK Test structure, application process, Levels and Passing scores etc. check these pages:

  1. TOPIK – The Complete Guide & 2. TOPIK Levels and Passing Marks. You can also Practice Online with TOPIK GUIDE Mock Tests.

If you are going to take the TOPIK Test for the first time, or if you want to give your score a boost so that you can pass a higher level, we would strongly advise you to get the Complete Guide to TOPIK – Self-Study Package. It is a digital study package that has everything you need to get a great score in the TOPIK test – all the past TOPIK papers with answer sheets, grammar and vocabulary study material, video tutorials explaining the test structure, strategies to solve them and much more. You can check out more details about this study package HERE.

Learning Korean can be tricky, especially when the goal of your learning is conversation. If you’ve ever attempted to speak Korean but were unable to, then hopefully you’ll find this post helpful.

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