- Self study is the key to success in TOPIK. No guide book or tutor will guarantee you success unless you self-study really well. You just need to have all the previous TOPIK papers and answer sheets, analyse the question patterns, prepare vocabulary and grammar lists and start studying. If you find it difficult and time consuming to do question pattern analysis and organize all the study material yourself, you can just grab TOPIK GUIDE Self-Study Package which provides you everything well organized in respective folders.
- Downoad Past TOPIK Papers – The first step to start studying for TOPIK should be to Download Previous TOPIK papers (at least last 5 sets) including listening audio files. They are your guide books; they are your teachers. Just practice solving them while taking notes about your weak points in grammar and vocabulary. You can also practice by taking TOPIK Mock Tests online.
- Analyze the Papers – Sit back and analyze the papers to understand the question pattern of different sections. If you have purchased TOPIK GUIDE Self-Study Package, watch all the video tutorials to understand the TOPIK test pattern. It is the most important part of your preparation- To Understand The Test.
- Get deep into the Test structure-Try to find what skills they are trying to test, where and how they are trying to test your understanding of some Korean grammar patterns with tricky questions, what kinds of vocabulary and grammar patterns they are repeating again and again etc.
- Assess where you stand – No guide book or teacher can know your level, your strong and weak points better than you. So the next step is to analyze your strengths and weaknesses and the best way to do it is solving the TOPIK papers.
- Solve TOPIK Papers- Take a set of TOPIK papers and start solving it. Not casually, please! Take a watch with you and set alarm exactly same as in real test. Solve all the sections of the paper – Reading, Listening and Writing (only if taking TOPIK II). Don’t give up when you are not able to answer a few questions in a row. Keep solving the paper till the very last question with patience.
- Find your weak points- Now check you answers. Don’t get depressed even if you got only 10% answers right. Analyze and make a list of grammar patterns you knew but you found them confusing or complicated when solving the paper. Make note of what kind of vocabulary (verbs, adverbs or particles etc.) you need to work upon. If you are preparing for TOPIK II and have purchased TOPIK GUIDE Study Package, send us your essay for evaluation. We will get it checked by experts and will give you detailed feedback for improvement.
- Always solve papers in a Mock Test manner– Never try to solve the papers casually like 10 questions at a time and next 10 after having a cup of coffee. Even if you solve only one section of the paper at a time, do it in real test-like environment, following the given time limit. You will feel at ease in the examination hall if you have already taken a few Mock TOPIK tests at home.
- Never Pause or Repeat Listening audio- You may feel tempted to pause the audio or rewind it when you don’t understand a dialogue. Never do it. Make the best guess and answer the question. Once you have finished solving the paper you can listen to it again and again while checking your answers and correcting mistakes.
- Make a list of Grammar Pattern and Vocabulary– After you solve a TOPIK paper set, make a list of grammar patterns and vocabulary that you don’t know or that you think you know but may forget after some time. Then refer to your Korean language textbooks or Grammar and Vocabulary books from TOPIK GUIDE Self-Study Package if you have it. Write meanings and explanations of those grammar patterns and words in a notebook. It will be very useful for the last moment study/revision a day or two before the test.
Best Self-Study Course to Prepare for TOPIK Test
Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.
Merry Christmas
Lyrics Mantra Jingle Bell
Thank you so much for all these papers. I’m so dependent on this website u created. Please keep up the good work, I’m sincerely and very much appreciating it.
hi from Indonesia. I’m about to take my very first TOPIK test,and I’m really nervous. You’re right that it is not easy to find guide books on how to do these tests here and very few universities teach the language (or maybe no universities at all?I’m not sure). Anyways, thanks for those tips,I’m sure they are very useful and would help a lot, for me at least. And I’ll tell bout my test after I’ve done with it. Thanks.
it is a fortune for me found your website.
it really helpfull 🙂
Okay, I appreciate for giving me the update. Great post, a simple idea that can really make a difference. Thank you.
the invigilator plays the audio file for all the students at the same time… You don’t have to repeat or speak anything.. you just have to see the question , that is based on the audio conversation, and mark the answer.
Hi Satish,
Could you advise if the listening component of TOPIK is done together with all students in the examination hall at the same time i.e. the invigilator plays the audio file and we have to listen to repeats together or are we each given an audio set which we can control if we are fine to proceed or listen to a repeat.
Thank you for your awesome sharing on this site!
이 사이트가 정말 짱이네요. 만들어 주셨어 감사합니다.
Hi satish, do you have a “grammar list” with all the important grammar patterns to know?
I’m so glad I found this site! 🙂
I also wonder if there’s any grammar checklist available for each level. 😀
thanks.. it’s nice of you for sharing. are you studying in SNU. i really want to get there… well, i’m on my way now.. wish me luck! see you in korea?? hahaha…
hi, im from indonesia…thank you for the tips…
Thank you..^^
thank you
how to prepare for easy witting intermediate level? is there any guide for that? thanks!!!!
Hi Satish,
I was wondering if there were any good grammar books that you would recommend in preparaton for the intermediate and advanced levels.
Love the website,
Thanks so much.
Hi Selina, I have no idea about any good grammar books for TOPIK but I can recommend you a good general Korea Grammar book… ‘Korean Grammar for International Learners’ from Yonsei University Press.. You can also check this website – https://www.koreangrammaticalforms.com/
Thanks a lot!
this is really help me 😀
Hello! These tips are very helpful. Thank you! 🙂
eu gostava de saber se o download ou para baixar teste tem algum custo
I can’t reply as I don’t know what you have written. 🙂 Can you please write it in English.
Could you tell me when exam is help in cambodia for 2014.
Check it:
Hello. Thank you for this amazing site. I am a bit confused. In intermediate/advanced writing section when we use ㄴ다/다 in the ending?
Instead of 좋아합니다 you will write 좋아한다. Instead of 좋습니다, you write 좋다.
But using the normal ㅂ/습니다 form is also okay.
ASSALAMU’ALAIKUM Permisi Kepada Admin Dan Teman Yang On’line di Blog ini Sedikit Saya Ingin Berbagi Cerita Tentang Kisah Sukses Saya Jadi TKI Kontrak di Jepang berkat bantuan bpk drs HERMONO beliau selaku sekertaris utama di kantor BNP2TKI pusat no hp dinas beliau 0852-1391-3921. Perkenalkan Nama Saya ridwan topik Budiman Asal Dari Samarinda (Kal-tim). Disini saya akan bercerita kisah sukses yang menjadi kenyataan mimpi saya. KEGIATAN SEBELUM MENGIKUTI PROGRAM Seperti para pemuda umumnya dan dengan kondisi ekonomi orang tua saya yang pas-pasan saya ikut merasa prihatin dan menghendaki adanya perubahan ekonomi dalam keluarga saya. Saya lahir di salah satu kampung terpencil di kota Samarinda (kal-tim), dimana struktur tanah tempat kelahiran saya adalah pinggir laut dengan mata pencaharian masyarakat sekitar bagang dan empang , Pengorbanan keluarga yang selama mendidik membina dan membiayai hidup saya selama ini tak cukup hanya sekedar saya mengikuti jejak orang tua saya menjadi seorang nelayan, saya harus membuktikan kepada keluarga untuk menjadi yang terbaik, tetapi dimana dan bagaimana? Sisi lain saya tau saya hanya lulusan SLTA sedangkan lowongan pekerjaan hanya diperuntukan bagi lulusan Diploma dan Strata 1, Pada pertengahan tahun 2015 saya bertemu dengan seorang teman lama mantan TKI di jepang pertemuan saya di Jalan muara badak SAMARINDA kal-tim, Dia memperkenalkan saya dengan salah satu pejabat BNP2TKI PUSAT yang pernah membantu dia sewaktu di jakarta, Beliau adalah sekertaris utama di kantor BNP2TKI pusat jakarta, atas nama bpk DRS HERMONO, Alamat kantor beliau Jalan MT Haryono Kav 52, Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan 12770 kantor BNP2TKI pusat, Dan Teman Saya Memberikan No Kontak Hp Bpk Hermono di Nomor 0852-13913921, dan saya mencoba menghubungi tepat jam 5 sore, singkat cerita sayapun menyampaikan maksud tujuan saya, bahwa sudah lama saya mengimpikan bisa bekerja di japang. Beliau’pun menyampaikan siap membantu dengan bisa meluluskan dengan beberapa prosedur , saya rasa prosedur itu tidak terlalu membebani saya. Dari sinilah saya menyetujui nya, yang sangat membuat Aku bersyukur adalah bahwa saya diminta melengkapi berkas untuk saya kirim ke akun email beliau dan sayapun disuruh menyiapkan biaya pengurusan murni sebesar Rp. 22.000.000. Inilah puncak kebahagiaan saya yang akhirnya bisa menginjakkan kaki di negeri sakura japang. Akhirnya saya mendapat panggilan untuk ke jakarta untuk dibinah selama 2 minggu lamanya, saya hanya diajarkan DASAR berbahasa japang. Makna yang terkandung didalamnya sangat luar biasa dirasakan oleh saya, tanggung jawab, disiplin, berani dan sebagainya merubah total karakter saya yang dulu cengeng dan kekanak-kanakan, walau kadangkala saya masih belum begitu yakin apakah saya bisa berangkat Ke Jepang dengan baik, akhirnya saya mendapat Contrak kerja selama 3 tahun lamanya di bidang industri. Rasa pasrah dan khawatir menghinggapi saya saat itu, seorang anak kampung berangkat ke Jepang dengan menggunakan pesawat terbang yang sebelum belum pernah saya rasakan sebelumnya. Jangankan naik di atas pesawat melihat dari dekat’pun saya belum pernah sama sekali, Di Bandara Soekarno Hatta kami di temani oleh petugas Depnakertrans dan IMM Japan untuk melepas keberangkatan kami, rasa haru dan air mata sedih berlinang di pipih saya pada saat di izinkan prtugas untuk pamit kepada keluarga yang kebetulan saya diantar oleh paman saya, kami saling berpelukan dan mohon salam dan restu dari orang tua dan keluarga. MASA MENGIKUTI PROGRAM KEBERANGKATAN DI JEPANG Setibanya di NARITA AIRPORT Jepang, kami di jemput oleh petugas IMM Japan yang ada di sana, dan kami diantar ke Training Centre Yatsuka Saitama-ken untuk mengikuti pembekalan sebelum di lepas ke perusahaan penerima magang di Jepang. jika anda ingin seperti saya anda bisa mencoba untuk menberani’kan diri menhubungi Bpk SEKERTARIS UTAMA BNP2TKI, BPK DRS HERMONO. Ini No TLP/HP Beliau: 0852-1391-3921 siapa tahu beliau masih bisa membantu anda untuk mewujudkan impian anda menjadi sebuah kenyataan. TERIMA KASIH
how do i found country wise question paper
nepal question
I am a korean learner. I can done well in grammar, vocabularies exercises, but I can’t write korean essays well. Can I get some websites or books to improve my writing skills? Thank you.
Its is nice to learn korean language and take exam to prove you are justify your self under the pressure it becomes gives self confident the filipino is good to speak korean language
Someday i want to prove my self is nothing to do if what im im now I want someday iwant to do more
I want part of worker in south korea not for my self my children to prove im be top when i am
Pls im pursue to learn language of korea and take a exam
Thank you and wait for me
Anyong haseyo
I am Jaya from India. I am very passionate in learning Korean language.
I hold a master’s degree in English literature. I couldn’t find any way to pursue my dream language. Now that I found about you Could you please help me the right way to learn Korean language as a beginner. I do believe age is not a constraint to learning.
Sorry for my Korean mistakes
Stay Healthy.stay safe
With Regards
Im premlata from rajsthan India
Im preparing for topic 2
I can speak besic Korean and also can read but can’t understand fluently
Hi! I recently purchased a TOPIK GUIDE package, hoping that it would be updated and that additional mock tests would be added. Unfortunately, it is still the same as the one we bought in 2021.