Complete Guide to TOPIK - Self Study Package BX0121


Best Self-Study Course to Prepare for TOPIK Test

In the previous post, we looked at the evaluation system of TOPIK essay section. If you remember I had left you with three model essays which were written by three different students in 25th TOPIK. Here in this post, we will see how the examiners evaluated and graded those papers. Analyze the evaluation charts properly and try to find why one essay got more marks than others. I hope it will help you make your TOPIK essay better and get some more marks. All the best…
Here is the essay question that came in beginner level of 25th TOPIK:
Q46. 다음을 읽고 150~300자로 글을 쓰십시오. (30점)
여러분은 누구를 만나고 싶습니까? 그 사람을 왜 만나고 싶습니까? 그 사람을
만나서 무엇을 하고 싶습니까? 여러분이 만나고 싶은 사람에 대해 쓰십시오.
Below is the first model essay: 

And here is how the TOPIK examiners evaluated it:

Second model essay

And here is how the TOPIK examiners evaluated it:


Third model essay: 

And here is how the TOPIK examiners evaluated it:

  • Thanks for ur great work TOPIK GUIDE.I also request to upload about essay writting guide For Inter-Mediate level too.

  • It’s very interesting to see examples of how the essays are evaluated, thank you very much for this post. I’d also be glad if you could do something similar for the Intermediate level as well.

  • Where did you find the evaluation rubric and sample evaluation scores? I’ve looked for days over much of the Internet to try to find your source, but I can’t find anything. Were these posted to long ago?

  • Hello sir
    I wanna give topik exam this year 2020 i wanna know all details and when to register for topik exam and can i give any level exam

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