※ [45] 다음을 읽고 400~600자로 글을 쓰십시오. (30점)
45. 여러분은 어떤 집에서 살고 싶습니까? 그 이유는 무엇입니까? ‘내가 살고 싶은 집’이라는 제목으로 글을 쓰십시오. 단, 아래에 제시한 내용이 모두 포함되어야 합니다.
살고 싶은 집은 어떤 집인가?
왜 그런 집에서 살고 싶은가?
And below is the first model essay (Click on the images to enlarge):
Next is the second model essay and it’s marking break-up:
And here is the third and last model essay:
Next Post : TOPIK Advanced Level Essay Writing Evaluation Analysis
hlo i m dharmraj joshi plz help me i wann join level 2 exam how can i get regester from n where i can apply??? i’m here in now incheon korea
hi, so far your tips have been very helpful..im realy timing myself when taking mock tests. just one question though, as i dont know who to ask since im only studying on my own…..hope its okay to ask here. On the part of Writing, there is a part that says ‘ 원고지 쓰기의 예’ followed by words in boxes, what do these mean?
Thanks a lot in advance!
That just shows how you are supposed to write your essay on answer sheet. Writing only one syllable inside one box, leaving a blank box after every word etc.
Hi, I am currently preparing for TOPIK, I found this essay interesting. I have a question, in essay writing is it allowed to use words that related to english, for example the ‘interior'(이테리어), ‘concept'(컨셉)etc…Thanks.
It’s totally okay if it is a Konglish word that is commonly used in Korea (like 이테리어 or 컨셉). But even if it’s not, it’s better to use a Konglish word rather than using a wrong Korean or English word.
Just wanna say thanks~
I’m just curious about if I count the 400 to 600 characters only the spaces with words on it or every space used counts…
Hello there. Thanks for each and every great tips you’ve shared about TOPIK.
May I know, or do you have any suggestion, where can I get good examples/samples of essay of TOPIK 2 (for Writing section). I really hope to find some essay samples to help me in writing.
Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you.
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