In this post, we are publishing a list of the most basic and important Korean vocabulary for TOPIK I (Beginner Level). You can also check the Complete TOPIK Grammar List – Beginner Level (한국어능력시험 초급 기출 문법 리스트).
If you are going to take the TOPIK Test for the first time, or if you want to give your score a boost so that you can pass a higher level, we would strongly advise you to get the Complete Guide to TOPIK – Self-Study Package. It is a digital study package that has everything you need to get a great score in the TOPIK test – all the past TOPIK papers with answer sheets, grammar and vocabulary study material, video tutorials explaining the test structure, strategies to solve them and much more. You can check out more details about this study package HERE.
Korean Word |
English Meaning |
Explanation |
가격 |
price |
가구 |
furniture |
가방 |
bag |
가을 |
fall, autumn |
가족 |
family |
값 |
price |
강 |
river |
거리 |
distance |
걱정 |
anxiety; worry |
결혼식 |
wedding |
경주 |
race |
경험 |
experience |
계절 |
season |
계획 |
plan |
고민 |
worry; agony |
고양이 |
cat |
고향 |
hometown |
곳 |
place |
공연 |
performance |
공원 |
park |
공책 |
note book |
공항 |
airport |
과일 |
fruit |
과자 |
snack |
관심 |
interest |
교통사고 |
car accident |
구두 |
dress shoe |
구입 |
purchase |
그림 |
drawing, painting |
극장 |
theater |
근처 |
near |
글자 |
letter |
금년 |
this year |
기간 |
period |
기분 |
Feeling, Mood |
김치 |
Kimchi |
까만색 |
black |
꽃 |
flower |
꽃집 |
flower shop |
나라 |
country |
나무 |
tree |
날 |
day |
날씨 |
weather |
남산 |
Namsan Mountain |
내년 |
next year |
내용 |
content |
내일 |
tomorrow |
냉면 |
cold noodles |
냉장고 |
refrigerator |
년 |
year |
노래 |
song |
누나 |
older sister (for male) |
눈물 |
tears |
느낌 |
feeling |
다음 |
next |
다음달 |
next month |
단어 |
word |
달 |
month |
댁 |
home (honorific form of 집) |
도서관 |
library |
돈 |
money |
동대문 |
Dongdaemun |
동생 |
younger sibling |
뒤 |
back |
드라마 |
drama |
등산 |
hike |
등산화 |
hiking shoes |
라디오 |
radio |
러시아 |
Russia |
맞은편 |
across from |
머리 |
head |
모습 |
appearance |
모자 |
hat, cap |
무게 |
weight |
문 |
door |
문구점 |
stationary store |
문제 |
problem; question; issue |
문화 |
culture |
물건 |
thing |
미국 |
밑 |
under |
바지 |
pants |
박물관 |
museum |
밖 |
outside |
반(수업) |
class |
방 |
room |
방법 |
method |
방송국 |
broadcasting station |
배 |
ship |
배2 |
pear |
배우 |
actor |
백화점 |
department store |
버스 |
bus |
번호 |
number |
병원 |
hospital |
볼펜 |
ball point pen |
봄 |
spring |
부모 |
parent |
부모님 |
parents |
부분 |
part |
부탁 |
request |
분위기 |
atmosphere |
불고기 |
Bulgogi |
비 |
rain |
비행기 |
airplane |
빵 |
bread |
사과 |
apple |
사람 |
person |
사무실 |
office |
사은품 |
freebie; bonus gift |
사전 |
dictionary |
사진 |
photo |
산 |
mountain |
색 |
color |
색깔 |
colors |
생각 |
thinking, thought |
생일 |
birthday |
생활 |
life |
서울 |
Seoul |
서울역 |
Seoul Station |
서점 |
Bookstore |
선물 |
present, gift |
선생님 |
teacher |
설명 |
explanation |
설악산 |
Seoraksan |
성격 |
character |
소개 |
introduction |
소식 |
news |
손 |
hand |
손님 |
customer |
수업 |
class |
수첩 |
pocket book |
시간 |
time |
시계 |
watch |
시장 |
market |
시청 |
city hall |
시험 |
test |
식당 |
resturant |
식사 |
meal |
신문 |
newspaper |
신발 |
shoe |
아기 |
baby |
아래 |
below |
아버지 |
father |
아이스크림 |
ice cream |
아저씨 |
sir, uncle |
아주머니 |
ma’am, aunt |
아침 |
morning |
아침 |
breakfast |
아파트 |
apartment |
안 |
in |
안경 |
eye glasses, specs |
안내 |
information |
앞 |
in front of |
야구 |
baseball |
약 |
medicine |
약국 |
pharmacy |
약속 |
appointment |
어머니 |
mother |
어제 |
yesterday |
얼굴 |
face |
옛날 |
old |
여자 |
girl |
여행 |
trip |
역사 |
history |
연락 |
contact |
연필 |
pencil |
영수증 |
receipt |
영어 |
English |
영화 |
movie |
옆 |
beside |
오래간만 |
after a long time |
오랜만 |
after a long time |
오른쪽 |
right (direction) |
오후 |
afternoon |
올해 |
this year |
옷 |
clothes |
외국인 |
foreigner |
요리사 |
chef |
요즘 |
these days |
우산 |
umbrella |
우유 |
milk |
운동 |
exersise |
웬일 |
what matter |
위 |
upper part |
유학 |
study abroad |
은행 |
bank |
음료수 |
drink |
음식 |
food |
음악회 |
concert |
의미 |
meaning |
의자 |
chair |
이름 |
name |
이번 |
this (ex. this year) |
이상 |
strange |
인터넷 |
internet |
일 |
work |
일본 |
Japan |
일본어 |
Japanese |
일요일 |
Sunday |
자동차 |
car |
자리 |
seat |
자전거 |
bicycle |
작년 |
last year |
잡지 |
magazine |
장소 |
place |
저녁 |
evening |
전자사전 |
electronic dictonary |
전화번호 |
phone number |
점심 |
lunch |
정리 |
arrangement |
제주도 |
Jeju Island |
졸업 |
graduate |
주 |
week |
주말 |
weekend |
주소 |
address |
주인 |
owner |
준비 |
prepare |
중국 |
china |
지갑 |
wallet |
지난주 |
last week |
지난해 |
last year |
지하철 |
subway |
집 |
house |
찻값 |
a tea charge |
창문 |
Window | |
책 |
book |
책상 |
desk |
청소 |
clean |
축구 |
football (soccer) |
취미 |
hobby |
취직 |
getting a job |
치마 |
skirt |
친구 |
friend |
침대 |
bed |
카메라 |
camera |
캐나다 |
Canada |
커피 |
coffee |
컴퓨터 |
computer |
큰형 |
male’s oldest brother |
테니스장 |
tennis court |
토요일 |
saturday |
통장 |
bankbook |
파란 색 |
blue |
파티 |
party |
편지 |
letter |
평일 |
weekday |
포도 |
grape |
표 |
ticket |
품목 |
goods, items |
피아노 |
piano |
필요 |
need |
하숙집 |
boarding house |
학원 |
academy, coaching center |
한국 |
Korea |
한국말 |
Korean language |
한국 어 |
Korean language |
한복 |
Hanbok (traditional Korean Cloth) |
한식집 |
Korean restaurant |
할머니 |
grandmother |
할아버지 |
grandfather |
할인 |
discount |
행사 |
event |
형 |
male’s older brother |
호 |
room number |
Ex: 210호 |
호선 |
subway line |
Ex: 2호선 |
회사 |
company |
회사원 |
a company employee |
회의 |
meeting |
후 |
after |
휴일 |
holiday |
희망 |
hope |
힘 |
effort |
Counting Units
Korean Word |
Used to count.. |
Explanation |
개 |
general things |
Ex: 사과 1개 – 1 Apple |
권 |
books |
Ex: 책 1권 – 1 Book |
대 |
machines |
마리 |
animals |
명 |
people |
번 |
times (ex, 3 times) |
병 |
bottles |
분 |
people (Honorific form of 명/사람) |
사람 |
people |
살 |
age |
송이 |
bunch (of fruit) |
인분 |
a serving of food |
잔 |
glass |
장 |
paper |
층 |
floor |
Ex: 1층 – 1st Floor |
통 |
package |
Korean Word |
English Meaning |
Explanation |
가다 |
go |
가져가다 |
bring |
가지고 가다 |
go with something |
갈아타다 |
transfer/change (subway line) |
감기에 걸리다 |
catch a cold |
갔다오다 |
go and come |
갖다 |
have/Carry |
걱정하다 |
worry |
건너가다 |
cross (a road) |
걸리다 |
To take (time), To get caught |
경험하다 |
experience |
계획을 세우다 |
make a plan |
계획하다 |
plan |
고르다 |
choose |
고장이 나다 |
get out of order(machines) |
ex)엔진에 고장이 났어요. there is something wrong with engine |
구경하다 |
watch (scenery, landscape etc.), Sightseeing |
구하다 |
rescue |
그리다 |
draw a picture |
기다리다 |
wait |
기억을 하다 |
remember |
기억이 나다 |
remember |
길이 막히다 |
blocked pathway, traffic jam |
ex) 나무가 부러져서 길이 막혔어요. |
깎다 |
trim |
꺼내다 |
take out |
끄다 |
turn off |
끊다 |
cut |
끝나다 |
To end/finish (itself) |
끝내다 |
To end/finish something |
끼다 |
put on |
ex) 장갑을 끼다 put on gloves |
나가다 |
go out |
나오다 |
come out |
내다(돈) |
pay money |
내리다 |
To get off (a vehicle) |
넣다 |
Put (in) |
노래 부르다 |
sing a song |
노래하다 |
sing |
노력하다 |
make effort |
놀다 |
play, hang out, have fun |
농구하다 |
play basketball |
눈물이 나다 |
cry, tears flowing |
다녀오다 |
to go and come back |
다니다 |
attend |
닫다 |
close |
대답하다 |
answer |
도착하다 |
arrive |
돈이들다 |
cost money |
돌아오다 |
return |
되다 |
become |
드리다 |
give (to older person) |
ex) 할아버지께 과일을 드렸어요. |
드시다 |
eat (honorific of 먹다) |
ex) 할아버지께서 과일을 드십니다. |
듣다 |
listen |
들다 |
hold |
들어가다 |
enter |
떠나다 |
leave |
마시다 |
drink |
마음에 들다 |
like |
마치다 |
finish |
만나다 |
meet |
만들다 |
make |
ex) 할아버지께 말씀 드리다 |
말씀 드리다 |
speak to (older person) |
ex) 할아버지께서 말씀하시다 |
말씀하시다 |
speak |
말하다 |
speak |
먹다 |
eat |
모르다 |
do not know |
모으다 |
gather |
모자라다 |
insufficient |
목욕하다 |
take a bath |
묻다 |
ask question |
물어보다 |
ask question |
받다 |
receive |
밥 먹다 |
eat food |
배우다 |
learn |
벗다 |
take off |
보내다 |
send |
보다 |
see |
부르다 |
full |
부치다 |
send mail |
부탁하다 |
request |
빌려주다 |
lend |
빌리다 |
borrow |
빼다 |
subtract, remove |
사고 |
accident |
ex) 사고가 났다 there iwas an accident |
나다 |
be |
사다 |
buy |
사용하다 |
use |
사진을 찍다 |
take a photo |
산책하다 |
take a walk |
살다 |
live |
서다 |
stand |
설거지하다 |
wash dishes |
설명하다 |
explain |
소개하다 |
introduce |
수영하다 |
swim |
쉬다 |
rest |
시작되다 |
begin/start (itself) |
시작하다 |
start something |
시키다 |
order |
식사하다 |
have a meal |
신다 |
wear (footwear) |
싫어하다 |
dislike |
쓰다 |
write, use |
쓰다(모자) |
wear (hat) |
씻다 |
wash (face) |
앉다 |
sit |
알다 |
know |
알아듣다 |
understand (after listening) |
어울리다 |
match, suit something |
여행하다 |
travel |
연락하다 |
connect |
연습하다 |
practice |
열이나다 |
Get fever |
예약하다 |
make a reservation |
오다 |
come |
오르다 |
rise |
올라오다 |
come up, climb |
우산을 쓰다 |
use an umbrella |
운동하다 |
exercise |
운전하다 |
drive |
웃다 |
laugh |
이사가다 |
move to other place |
이사하다 |
move to other place |
이야기하다 |
converse/talk |
이용하다 |
use |
이해하다 |
understand |
일어나다 |
wake up |
읽다 |
read |
잃다 |
lose |
잃어버리다 |
lose |
입다 |
wear |
잊다 |
forget |
잘 되다 |
turn out well |
잘하다 |
do well |
잠이 오다 |
become sleepy |
잡수시다 |
eat (honorific form of 먹다) |
전하다 |
transmit, tell information to someone |
전화(를) 걸다 |
call (telephone) |
전화를 바꿔주다 |
To give the phone to someone else |
전화를 받다 |
receive a call |
전화를 하다 |
call |
전화하다 |
call |
조심하다 |
be careful |
좋아하다 |
to like |
주다 |
give |
주무시다 |
sleep (honorific form of 자다) |
주문하다 |
order (food etc.) |
준비하다 |
prepare |
지나다 |
pass |
ex) 잘 지내고 있어요. |
지내다 |
spend, live |
질문하다 |
ask a question |
짓다 |
build |
찾다 |
search for |
찾아가다 |
visit |
청소하다 |
clean |
초대하다 |
invite |
축구를 하다 |
play football |
출발하다 |
depart |
취직하다 |
get a job |
켜다 |
switch on |
콧물이 나다 |
have a runny nose |
타다 |
ride |
테니스 치다 |
play tennis |
틀리다 |
incorrect |
푹 자다 |
sleep deeply |
피아노를 치다 |
play piano |
하다 |
do |
화나다 |
get angry |
회의하다 |
have a meeting |
Adjectives: 72 Words |
가볍다 |
light |
감사하다 |
thank |
계시다 |
be, exist (Hon. form of 있다) |
ex) 할아버지 방에 계십니다 |
고맙다 |
thank |
공기가 맑다 |
Clean and Fresh air |
괜찮다 |
to be okay |
기분이 좋다 |
feel happy, have good mood |
길다 |
long |
깊다 |
deep |
깨끗하다 |
clean |
나쁘다 |
bad |
적다 |
less |
낮다 |
low |
넓다 |
wide |
높다 |
high |
다르다 |
different |
더럽다 |
dirty |
덥다 |
hot |
따뜻하다 |
Warm |
많다 |
many |
맑다 |
clear |
맛없다 |
tastes bad, tasteless |
맛있다 |
tastes good, tasty |
멋있다 |
cool, handsome (a cool person) |
무섭다 |
scary |
미안하다 |
sorry |
반갑다 |
glad |
밝다 |
bright |
배가 고프다 |
hungry |
배가 부르다 |
full |
배가 아프다 |
Have stomachache |
복잡하다 |
complicated |
부지런하다 |
diligent |
불편하다 |
inconvenient |
비슷하다 |
similar |
비싸다 |
expensive |
새롭다 |
new |
쉽다 |
easy |
슬프다 |
sad |
싫다 |
hate |
싸다 |
cheap |
아름답다 |
beautiful |
아프다 |
painful |
어둡다 |
dark |
어리다 |
young |
없다 |
not have |
예쁘다 |
pretty |
위험하다 |
dangerous |
유명하다 |
famous |
이상하다 |
strange |
있다 |
have |
작다 |
small |
재미있다 |
interesting/fun |
적다 |
less |
조용하다 |
quiet |
좁다 |
narrow |
좋다 |
like |
죄송하다 |
sorry |
중요하다 |
important |
즐겁다 |
merry |
짧다 |
short |
춥다 |
cold |
친절하다 |
kind |
크다 |
big |
키가 크다 |
tall |
편리하다 |
convenient |
편안하다 |
comfortable |
편하다 |
easy |
피곤하다 |
tired |
필요하다 |
needed |
한가하다 |
free |
힘들다 |
difficult |
Korean Word |
English Meaning |
Explanation |
가까이 |
near |
가끔 |
sometimes |
가장 |
most |
갑자기 |
suddenly |
같이 |
like, together |
거의 |
almost |
계속 |
continuously |
곧 |
soon |
그냥 |
just |
금방 |
soon |
꼭 |
surely |
나중에 |
later |
날마다(날+마다)=매일 |
everyday |
너무 |
too |
늦게 |
late |
다 |
all |
더 |
more |
따로 |
separately |
또 |
and, moreover |
똑바로 |
straight |
마침내 |
at last |
많이 |
a lot of |
매우 |
very |
매일 |
daily |
먼저 |
ahead |
모두 |
all |
못 |
cannot |
ex) 오늘 못 갑니다 |
미리 |
in advance |
바로 |
straight; right |
방금 |
right now |
벌써 |
already |
별로 |
very |
보통 |
normally |
빨리 |
quickly |
새로 |
new |
서로 |
each other |
아까 |
some time ago |
아마 |
perhaps |
아주 |
very |
아직 |
yet |
어서 |
quick, |
안 |
not |
언제나 |
always |
열심히 |
hard |
오래 |
long |
오래간만에 |
in a long time |
오랜만에 |
for a long time |
요즘 |
these days |
이따가 |
later |
이제 |
now |
일찍 |
early |
자주 |
often |
잘 |
well |
잠깐 |
wait |
잠시 |
moment |
전혀 |
not at all |
정말 |
really |
제일 |
best |
조금 |
a little |
조용히 |
quietly |
좀 |
some |
지금 |
now |
직접 |
directly |
참 |
really |
처음 |
first |
천천히 |
slowly |
크게 |
largely |
별히 |
particularly |
특히 |
especially |
푹 |
well |
함께 |
together |
항상 |
always |
혼자 |
alone |
혼자서 |
alone |
Korean Word |
English Meaning |
Explanation |
그래서 |
so, therefore |
그러나 |
but |
그러니까 |
that’s why |
그러면 |
in that case |
그럼 |
Then |
그런데 |
but |
그리고 |
and |
Question Words
Korean Word |
English Meaning |
Explanation |
누구 |
who |
무엇 |
what |
뭐 |
what |
어디 |
where |
어떻게 |
how |
언제 |
when |
얼마나 |
how much |
왜 |
why |
어느 |
which |
몇 |
how many |
무슨 |
what, which |
Korean Word |
English Meaning |
Explanation |
세 |
3 |
십삼 |
13 |
십이 |
12 |
아홉 |
9 |
여섯 |
6 |
열두 |
12 |
열셋 |
13 |
한 |
1 |
스물/스무 |
20 |
Korean Word |
English Meaning |
Explanation |
거기 |
there |
그 |
that, he, she, it |
그것/그거 |
that thing |
아무거나 |
Anything |
여기 |
here |
여러분 |
everyone |
우리 |
our |
이 |
this |
이것/이거 |
this, this thing |
저 |
that |
저것/저거 |
that thing |
저기 |
there |
저희 |
we |
Korean Word |
English Meaning |
Explanation |
그 |
the |
네 |
4 |
두 |
2 |
새 |
new |
세 |
3 |
스무 |
20 |
아무데나 |
Wherever |
ex: 아무거나 (whatever) |
여러 |
several |
이 |
this |
저 |
that |
한 |
One |
Korean Word |
English Meaning |
Explanation |
글쎄요 |
well |
네 |
yes |
아니요 |
no |
여보세요 |
hello (on phone) |
예/네 |
yes |
We hope this list help you with your TOPIK preparation. Feel Free to ask If you need help with any of these words. All the Best from TOPIK GUIDE!
Great ! Now the only thing that is missing is to sort those after frequency: “The Basic Korean Vocabulary List” by NIKL (National Institute for Korean Language) in their May 2003 publication “Vocabulary List for Studying Korean” (한국어 학습용 어휘 목록). Source:
Comment: The frequency list / raw document is not accessible anymore through the links provided on the blog, so any insights by TOPIK GUIDE or their readers would be highly appreciated! Also feel free to e-mail me to get in touch. 🙂
Hey Philipp, I have the list you are talking about and I am planning to put it very soon here… Thanks for your writing 🙂
Actually I assume by now (after having seen it) that it is near-identical with the TOPIK list?! I have it now too, as I failed to notice that it was HERE on Wiktionary all the time:
Right, It’s available at so many places in different forms…
Thanks, your blog is wonderful.
thank you for your appreciation 🙂
Dear valued readers,
I want to add that I found this list already ready for studying here:
On memrise:
And sure somewhere here on Quizlet too: (I just don’t have the time to spot the right one and I don’t understand why everyone writes their own list, if there are already several pages of lists. 🙂 …)
Can I use this for TOPIK 3 test? where can I learn to pass the TOPIK lv. 3 test?
This is for beginner level but definitely you need to know these words for level 3.. 🙂
Thanks for this list 😀 I have found so many cool things on your blog today this is amazing 🙂
Does 너 무 means “Too” ?? I think it means “too much/excessively”…is not it??
yes, it means “very, too, too much, excessively”.. depending on the context..
Thank you so much for posting all of these words. It’s a great review!
Hey Satish,
Your vocabs are really useful! But will you happen to have a list for the intermediate/ higher level? 🙂
thanks a miliooooooooooooooon for everyone participated in doing this list , God bless u all 🙂
Is it all for topik beginner? I cant belive! I was expecting more..
Ps. Thanks so much.. It is really helpfully 🙂
Check out for 1500+ Korean Words for TOPIK Beginner.
Is this the COMPLETE list of vocabulary that is needed for the Beginner Level TOPIK?
I have gone through all the Nouns and please check the following:
지난해 – should be “last year”
창문 – should be “window”
Thank you for pointing out the mistakes.. The list was sent by a reader and I couldn’t check it thoroughly..
the list covers only Grammar-Vocabulary (어휘-문법) section of TOPIK and not all the four sections… words were collected from a total of 17 TOPIK tests administered during 2003 to 2010 ..
Thank you for the list.
I’m using a flashcard app to study the vocabulary for Beginner Level TOPIK and I’m wondering if it’s better to learn them all in alphabetical order or to shuffle the cards? I’m finding it difficult to learn all of the ‘기역’ words one after another as the similar sounding ones start to get jumbled up in my head.
Any advice or is it just a matter of personal preference?
Great site.
i think there is a mistake with 따뜻하다…
from what i found in dictionary it means ‘warm’, doesn’t it?
Thank you for pointing out the mistake 🙂
I would like to join Korean language class. I am working in company in south korea near masan city. where did I join Korean language class on sunday ?
Hi all! I have just found this site and it is amazing. Thank you to all who have contributed.
I have started Korean language classes, and being a not-so-young English speaking person, this is a real challenge. It is often the little things you hear along the way that make the difference.
I have found some formatting problems and english spelling errors. How would you like me to pass these on for reference?
Hi all, I have just come across this site, so a very late response. I have noticed some spelling errors and format errors. Would it be better to email my feedback or list them all here?
I love these lists and thank you to all the participants.
It would be great if you could send them through mail.
Thank you!
복잡하다: complicated not crowed
Thank you for correction!
It can also mean crowded
I appreciate that you have uploaded this for us but I need to tell you there are mistakes on translation / meanings image lucky because my boyfriend is Korean and I am living in Korea so I could ask someone who is native and use nave dictionary . But for someone that doesn’t have any Korean friend they can question it or ask for examples I think its a bit worrying. I not saying bad I really appreciate your website and your guide. But this needs to be checked again please so others don’t think it means something but it actually mean a different thing for example on the verb 넣다 means to put submit add include it can be use on sentence like I put something on my pocket but in the meaning stated by you its saying pour and it doesn’t even come close to the meaning.
Also 내리다 is drop but it’s more used as come down or get off they use a lot I’m going to get off bus now. 겆다 is to have to hold to own something not take.
구경하다 is sightseeing it can be use only for when you are watching a view or the city it Can’t be use to stated I’m watching TV. 길이 막히다 is kinda blocking the pathway but Koreans only use for traffic jam. I haven’t study all vocabulary given here so I don’t know if it has more or not. So that why I’m asking you to review this list.
Much appreciated
Dear Fátima, your valuable feedback is much appreciated. Thank you!!
Your grammar made me feel dizzy !!!
have all the typo is been corrected?
thank u so much for this…..
How can I download this? I want to print this out but there’s no download button.
Hello. I am a silent reader on this site. But can i ask if do you have a categorize vocabulary hope you notice this comment thankyou in advance ❤️❤️🙏🙏
is it enough for topic I (level:-1,2)?