Complete Guide to TOPIK - Self Study Package BX0121


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Today we'll be looking at the usage of "Verb ~고 나서" Korean grammar pattern with some examples.

Usage :

~고 나서 Korean grammar pattern is used when you want to say that you do/did/will do something after doing something else.

For example - I went to library after having lunch.

So basically you are completing action 1 and then starting action 2. 

It can be equivalent to saying "After doing....." etc. in English to indicate any action finished and the next action in sequence.

Conjugation rule :

First, you should remember that ~고 나서 is used with verbs only and not with adjectives.

You simply have to remove the ~다 from the base form of the verb and add ~ęł  나서 to the verb stem. 

For example 가다 :

Remove ~다 from 가다 and add ~고 나서 that makes 가고 나서.

Lets see some examples to understand the usage :

1) After finishing my homework I slept. 

 ěˆ™ě œëĽź 끝나고 나서 잠을 잤어요.

2) After eating I always do my dishes.

밥을 먹고 나서 설거지를 했어요.

3) I go to school and study.

학교에 가고나서 공부를 해요.

4) We all meet at the farm, then separate. 

우리 모두는 농장에서 만나고 나서 헤어져요.

5) Please wash your hands, and then eat. 

 ě†ě„ 씻고 나서 식사하세요.

6) Let's eat first then think about it. 

우선 밥 먹고 나서 그 문제에 대해 생각해 보자.

7) He laughed after hearing the whole story

그는 자초지종을 듣고 웃었어요.

8) It suddenly turned cold after it rained. 

비가 오고 나서 날씨가 갑자기 추워졌어요.

Learning Korean can be tricky. If you’ve ever attempted to speak Korean but were unable to, then hopefully you’ll find this post helpful.

Thank you for reading. If you have any questions or suggestions. Comment down below.

  • I slept, after finishing my homework.
    Everyday,I do wash my dishes, after a meal.
    It’s being cold, as soon as the rain stopped.

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