Complete Guide to TOPIK - Self Study Package BX0121


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Today we'll be looking at the usage of "N (으)로" Korean grammar with some examples.

Usage :
This grammar pattern can be used to express a direction.

For example, 부산으로= Towards Busan, In the direction of Busan; 학교로 = Towards the school etc.

It can also be used to express method, tool or means to do something. For example, if you want to say, "I study with an English book" then you can say, "저는 영어책으로 공부해요". It indicates that an English Book is used as a medium to study.

Conjugation rule :
  • Add 로 to nouns ending with a vowel or consonant ㄹ.
  • Add (으)로 to nouns ending with a consonant.

  • Lets look at the usage of N (으)로 with the example sentences:

    1) Please write using Ink.

    잉크로 쓰세요.

    2) Please cut with a knife.

    칼로 자르세요.

    3) Make things by hand.

    손으로 만드세요.

    4) Write with a pencil.

    연필로 쓰세요.

    5) Go to the seaside.

    해변가로 가세요.

    6) He came up to me.

    그는 내게로 다가왔어요.

    7) The child cut paper out of scissors to make flowers and trees.

    아이는 가위로 종이를 오려 꽃과 나무를 만들었어요.

    8) Jisoo walked barefoot on the soft sandy beach.

    지수는 부드러운 모래사장을 맨발로 걸었어요.

    9) Jisoo ate ice cream with a spoon.

    지수는 아이스크림을 숟가락으로 떠먹었어요.

    10) I wiped the water off my hands with a handkerchief.

    나는 손에 묻은 물기를 손수건으로 닦았어요.

    11) They were making a move in the direction of the living room.

    그들은 거실로 방향을 옮겼어요.

    12) We went to Jeju Island for our honeymoon.

    우리는 신혼여행을 제주도로 갔다 왔어요.

    13) The teacher took the textbook and went into the classroom.

    선생님은 교과서를 챙겨 교실로 들어갔어요.

    14) In the event of a fire, escape through the emergency exit.

    화재가 났을 때는 비상구로 탈출하십시오.

    15) Seung-gyu decided to study abroad in Japan.

    승규는 일본으로 유학을 가기로 했어요.

    16) We left for Busan to catch a boat.

    우리는 배를 타기 위해 부산으로 출발했어요.

    17) I ran home at the news that the letter I had been waiting for had arrived.

    기다리던 편지가 도착했다는 소식에 나는 집으로 달려갔어요.

    18) Jisoo peeped into the room through a crack in the door.

    지수는 문틈 사이로 방안을 엿보았다.

    19) The thief seems to have snuck in through the back door and stolen something.

    도둑은 뒷문으로 몰래 들어와서 물건을 훔쳐 간 것 같아요.

    20) The piano was lifted by means of a crane.

    그 피아노는 크레인으로 들려졌어요.

    21) I try to think positively about everything.

    나는 모든 일을 긍정적으로 생각하려고 노력해요.

    22) I am on the way to work.

    회사로 가는 길이에요..

  • I am wondering about the rule ㄹ in batchim+(으)로 which you said changes to ㄹ로, then why is 서울으로 used in the example at the start? Also can we use (으)로 when we mean that we’re going through some place to get to some oder place?

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