GKS Scholarship for 2024 has been announced and you must be having a million questions about eligibility, grade conversion, documents, apostille process and so on. The process of GKS application is complicated and having confusion and doubts is totally understandable. But you should also remember that you can't blindly rely on any information given by some random stranger on the internet. You should clarify all your doubts and verify every information with the authentic and official sources.
Below we have given a list of Korean embassy contacts in all the countries who are responsible for answering any GKS related queries. When contacting them with any questions and queries, make sure to follow some basic things if you want them to help you:
1. Read the official GKS guidelines. It's a 50+ page long document and you need to read every page carefully before asking anyone any question.
2. Check the GKS FAQ. It's a list of most commonly asked questions about GKS and the official responses to those questions.
3. When asking the GKS in-charge a question, make sure that your question is very specific and clear.
Wish you all the best.
No. | Country/Region | Office | Phone | Fax | |
1 | Albania | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Greece | 30-210-698-4080 | 30-210-698-4082 | gremb@mofa.go.kr |
2 | Algeria | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Algeria | 213-21-54-65-55 | 213-21-54-60-70 | koemal@mofa.go.kr |
3 | Angola | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Angola | 244-222-006-067 | 244-222-006-066 | korembassy_angola@mofa.go.kr |
4 | Antigua and Barbuda | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Dominican Republic | 1-809-482-6505 | 1-809-482-6504 | embcod@mofa.go.kr |
5 | Argentina | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Argentina | 54-11-4802-8062 | 54-11-4803-6993 | argentina@mofa.go.kr |
6 | Armenia | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Russia | 7-495-783-2727 | 7-495-783-2777; 2797 | embru@mofa.go.kr |
7 | Australia | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Australia | 61-2-6270-4100 | 61-2-6273-4839 | australia@mofa.go.kr |
8 | Austria | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Austria | 43-1-478-1991 | 43-1-478-1013 | mail@koreaemb.at |
9 | Azerbaijan | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Azerbaijan | 994-12-596-7901 | 994-12-596-7904 | azeremb@mofa.go.kr |
10 | Bahamas | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Dominican Republic | 1-809-482-6505 | 1-809-482-6504 | embcod@mofa.go.kr |
11 | Bahrain | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Bahrain | 973-1753-1120 | 973-1753-1140, 0577 | koreanembassy.bahrain@gmail.com |
12 | Bangladesh | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Bangladesh | 880-2-881-2088~90 | 880-2-882-3871 | embdhaka@mofa.go.kr |
13 | Barbados | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Trinidad and Tobago | 1-868-622-9081; 1069 | 1-868-628-8745 | trinidad@mofa.go.kr koremb.tt@gmail.com |
14 | Belarus | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Belarus | 375-17-306-0147~9 | 375-17-306-0160 | belemb@mofa.go.kr |
15 | Belgium | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Belgium | 32-2-675-5777 | 32-2-675-5221 | eukorea@mofa.go.kr |
16 | Belize | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in El Salvador | 503-2263-9145 | 503-2263-0783 | embcorea@mofa.go.kr |
17 | Benin | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Ghana | 233-30-277-6157 | 233-30-277-2313 | ghana@mofa.go.kr |
18 | Bolivia | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Bolivia | 591-2-211-0361~3 | 591-2-211-0365 | coreabolivia@mofa.go.kr |
19 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Croatia | 385-1-4821-282 | 385-1-482-1274 | croatia@mofa.go.kr |
20 | Botswana | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in South Africa | 27-12-460-2508 | 27-12-460-1158 | embsa@mofa.go.kr |
21 | Brazil | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Brazil | 55-61-3321-2500 | 55-61-3321-2508 | emb-br@mofa.go.kr |
22 | Brunei | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Brunei | 673-233-0248 | 673-233-0254 | brunei@mofa.go.kr |
23 | Bulgaria | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Bulgaria | 359-2-971-2181 | 359-2-971-3388 | korean-embassy@mofa.go.kr |
24 | Burkina Faso | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Cote d'Ivoire | 225-2248-6701;6703 | 225-2248-6757 | ambcoabj@mofa.go.kr |
25 | Burundi | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Rwanda | 250-252-577-577 | 250-252-572-127 | koremb-rwanda@hotmail.com |
26 | Cambodia | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Cambodia | 855-23-211-900 | 855-23-219 200 | cambodia@mofa.go.kr |
27 | Cameroon | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Cameroon | 237-222-203-891 | cameroon@mofa.go.kr | |
28 | Canada | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Canada | 1-613-244-5010 | 1-613-244-5034 | canada@mofa.go.kr |
29 | Canada (Quebec) | Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Montreal | 1-514-845-2555 | 1-514-845-1119 | montreal@mofa.go.kr |
No. | Country/Region | Office | Phone | Fax | |
30 | Chile | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Chile | 56-2-2228-4214 | 56-2-2206-2355 | embajadadecoreaenchile@gmail.com |
31 | China | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in China | 86-10-8531-0700 | 86-10-8531-0726 | chinaconsul@mofa.go.kr |
32 | Colombia | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Colombia | 571-616-7200 | 571-610-0338 | embacorea@mofa.go.kr |
33 | Costa Rica | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Costa Rica | 506-2220-3160 | 506-2220-3168 | koco@mofa.go.kr |
34 | Cote d'Ivoire | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Cote d'Ivoire | 225-2248-6701; 6703 | 225-2248-6757 | ambcoabj@mofa.go.kr |
35 | Croatia | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Croatia | 385-1-4821-282 | 385-1-482-1274 | croatia@mofa.go.kr |
36 | Cuba | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Mexico | 52-55-5202-9866 | 52-55-5540-7446 | embcoreamx@mofa.go.kr |
37 | Czech Republic | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Czech Republic | 420-234-090-411 | 420-234-090-450 | czech@mofa.go.kr |
38 | Denmark | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Denmark | 45-39-46-04-00 | 45-39-46-04-22 | korembdk@mofa.go.kr |
39 | Dominican Republic | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Dominican Republic | 1-809-482-6505 | 1-809-482-6504 | embcod@mofa.go.kr |
40 | DR Congo | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in DR Congo | 243-1-503-5001~4 | 243-1-505-0005 | amb-congo@mofa.go.kr |
41 | Ecuador | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Ecuador | 593-2-290-9227 ~ 9229 | 593-2250-1190 | ecuador@mofa.go.kr |
42 | Egypt | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Egypt | 20-2-3761-1234~7 | 20-2-3761-1238 | egypt@mofa.go.kr |
43 | El Salvador | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in El Salvador | 503-2263-9145 | 503-2263-0783 | embcorea@mofa.go.kr |
44 | Equatorial Guinea | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Equatorial Guinea | 240-333-890-775 | malabo@mofa.go.kr | |
45 | Estonia | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Finland | 358-9-251-5000 | 358-9-2515-0055 | korembfi@mofa.go.kr |
46 | Ethiopia | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Ethiopia | 251-11-3-72-81- 11~14 | 251-11-3-72-81-15 | ethiopia@mofa.go.kr |
47 | Fiji | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Fiji | 679-330-0977 | 679-330-8059 | korembfj@mofa.go.kr |
48 | Finland | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Finland | 358-9-251-5000 | 358-9-2515-0055 | korembfi@mofa.go.kr |
49 | France | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in France | 33-01-4753-0101 | 33-1-47-53-01-78 | con-fr@mofa.go.kr |
50 | Gabon | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Gabon | 241-0173-4000 | 241-0173-9905 | gabon-ambcoree@mofa.go.kr |
51 | Gambia | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Senegal | 221-33-824-0672 | 221-33-824-0695 | senegal@mofa.go.kr |
52 | Georgia | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Georgia | 995-32-297-03-18; 20 | 995-32-242-74-40 | georgia@mofa.go.kr |
53 | Germany | Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Frankfurt | 49-69-9567-5231 | 49-69-5600-3987 | keid@mofa.or.kr |
54 | Ghana | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Ghana | 233-30-277-6157 | 233-30-277-2313 | ghana@mofa.go.kr |
55 | Greece | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Greece | 30-210-698-4080 | 30-210-698-4082 | gremb@mofa.go.kr |
56 | Guatemala | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Guatemala | 502-2382-4051 | 502-2382-4057 | korembsy@mofa.go.kr, embcor.gt@mofa.go.kr |
57 | Guyana | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Venezuela | 58-212-954-1270 | 58-212-954-0619 | venezuela@mofa.go.kr |
58 | Haiti | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Dominican Republic | 1-809-482-6505 | 1-809-482-6504 | embcod@mofa.go.kr |
59 | Honduras | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Honduras | 504-2235-5561~3 | 504-2235-5564 | coreaembajada@mofa.go.kr |
60 | Hong Kong | Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Hong Kong | 852-2529-4141 | 852-2861-3699 | hkg-info@mofa.go.kr |
No. | Country/Region | Office | Phone | Fax | |
61 | Hungary | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Hungary | 36-1-462-3080 | 36-1-351-1182 | hungary@mofa.go.kr |
62 | India | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in India | 91-11-4200-7000 | 91-11-2688-4840 | india@mofa.go.kr |
63 | Indonesia | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Indonesia | 62-21-2967-2555 | 62-21-2967-2556, 2557 | koremb_in@mofa.go.kr |
64 | Iran | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Iran | 98-21-8805-4900~4 | 98-21-8805-4899 | emb-ir@mofa.go.kr |
65 | Iraq | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Iraq | 964-77-0725-2006 | kembiraq@mofa.go.kr | |
66 | Ireland | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Ireland | 353-1-660 8800 | 353-1-660-8716 | irekoremb@mofa.go.kr |
67 | Israel | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Israel | 972-9-951-0318 | 972-9-956-9853 | israel@mofa.go.kr |
68 | Italy | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Italy | 39-06-8024-61 | 39-06-8024-6259 | consul-it@mofa.go.kr |
69 | Jamaica | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Jamaica | 1-876-924-2731 | 1-876-924-7325 | jamaica@mofa.go.kr |
70 | Japan | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Japan | 81-3-6400-0643 | 81-3-3452-7426 | education_jp@mofa.go.kr |
71 | Jordan | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Jordan | 962-6-593-0745~6 | 962-6-593-0280 | jordan@mofa.go.kr |
72 | Kazakhstan | Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Almaty | 7-727-291-0490 | 7-727-291-0399 | almakorea@mofa.go.kr |
73 | Kenya | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Kenya | 254-20-361-5000 | 254-20-374-1337 | emb-ke@mofa.go.kr |
74 | Kyrgyz Republic | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Kyrgyz Republic | 996-312-579-771 | 996-312-579-774 | korea.kg@gmail.com |
75 | Laos | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Laos | 856-21-352-031~3 | 856-21-352-035 | laos@mofa.go.kr |
76 | Latvia | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Latvia | 371-6732-4274 | 371-6780-9190 | koremb.lv@mofa.go.kr |
77 | Lebanon | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Lebanon | 961-5-953-167~9 | 961-5-953-170 | lbkor@mofa.go.kr |
78 | Liberia | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Nigeria | 234-9- 461-2701 | 234-9- 461-2702 | emb-ng@mofa.go.kr |
79 | Libya | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Libya | 218-21-483- 1322/1323/ | 218-21-483-1324 | libya@mofa.go.kr |
80 | Lithuania | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Poland | 48-22-559-2900~04 | 48-22-559-2905 | koremb_waw@mofa.go.kr |
81 | Madagascar | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Madagascar | 261-20-222-2933 | 261-20-224-9970 | ambcoreemg@mofa.go.kr |
82 | Malawi | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Zimbabwe | 263-4-756-541~4 | 263-4-756-554 | admirok@zol.co.zw |
83 | Malaysia | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Malaysia | 603-4251-2336 | 603-4252-1425 | korem-my@mofa.go.kr |
84 | Mauritania | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Morocco | 212-537-75-1767 | 212-537-75-0189 | morocco@mofa.go.kr |
85 | Mauritius | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Madagascar | 261-20-222-2933 | 261-20-224-9970 | ambcoreemg@mofa.go.kr |
86 | Mexico | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Mexico | 52-55-5202-9866 | 52-55-5540-7446 | embcoreamx@mofa.go.kr |
87 | Moldova | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Ukraine | 380-44-246-3759; 61 | 380-44-246-3757 | koremb@mofa.go.kr |
88 | Mongolia | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Mongolia | 976-7007-1020 | 976-7007-1021 | kormg@mofa.go.kr |
89 | Montenegro | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Serbia | 381-11-3674-225 | 381-11-3674-229 | koreanembsb@hotmail.co.kr |
90 | Morocco | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Morocco | 212-537-75-1767 | 212-537-75-0189 | morocco@mofa.go.kr |
91 | Mozambique | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Mozambique | 258-21-495-625 | 258-21-495-638 | embassy_mz@mofa.go.kr |
92 | Myanmar | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Myanmar | 95-1-527-142 | 95-1-513-286 | myanmar@mofa.go.kr |
93 | Nepal | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Nepal | 977-1-427-0172 | 977-1-427-2041 | konepemb@mofa.go.kr |
No. | Country/Region | Office | Phone | Fax | |
94 | Netherlands | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Netherlands | 31-70-740-0200 | 31-70-350-4712 | koreanembassynl@mofa.go.kr |
95 | New Zealand | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in New Zealand | 64-4-473-9073~4 | 64-4-472-3865 | info-nz@mofa.go.kr |
96 | Nicaragua | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Nicaragua | 505-2267-6777 | 505-2254-8131 | nicaragua@mofa.go.kr |
97 | Niger | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Cote d'Ivoire | 225-2248-6701; 6703 | 225-2248-6757 | ambcoabj@mofa.go.kr |
98 | Nigeria | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Nigeria | 234-9- 461-2701 | 234-9- 461-2702 | emb-ng@mofa.go.kr |
99 | Norway | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Norway | 47-2254-7090 | 47-2256-1411 | kornor@mofa.go.kr |
100 | Oman | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Oman | 968-2469-1490~2 | 968-2469-1495 | emboman@mofa.go.kr |
101 | Pakistan | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Pakistan | 92-51-227-9380~1; 5~7 | 92-51-227-9391 | pakistan@mofa.go.kr |
102 | Palestine | Korean Mission in Palestine | 972-2-240-2846~7 | 972-2-240-2848 | palestine@mofa.go.kr |
103 | Panama | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Panama | 507-264-8203; 8360 | 507-264-8825 | panama@mofa.go.kr |
104 | Paraguay | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Paraguay | 595-21-605-606; 401; 419 | 595-21-601-376 | paraguay@mofa.go.kr |
105 | Peru | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Peru | 51-1-632-5000 | 51-1-632-5010 | peru@mofa.go.kr |
106 | Philippines | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Philippines | 63-2-856-9210 | 63-2-856-9008 | philippines@mofa.go.kr |
107 | Poland | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Poland | 48-22-559-2900~04 | 48-22-559-2905 | koremb_waw@mofa.go.kr |
108 | Portugal | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Portugal | 351-21-793-7200~3 | 351-21-797-7176 | embpt@mofa.go.kr |
109 | Romania | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Romania | 40-21-230-7198 | 40-21-230-7629 | romania@mofa.go.kr |
110 | Russia | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Russia | 7-495-783-2727 | 7-495-783-2777; 2797 | embru@mofa.go.kr |
111 | Rwanda | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Rwanda | 250-252-577-577 | 250-252-572-127 | koremb-rwanda@hotmail.com |
112 | Saudi Arabia | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Saudi Arabia | 966-11-488-2211 | 966-11-488-1317 | emsau@mofa.go.kr |
113 | Senegal | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Senegal | 221-33-824-0672 | 221-33-824-0695 | senegal@mofa.go.kr |
114 | Serbia | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Serbia | 381-11-3674-225 | 381-11-3674-229 | koreanembsb@hotmail.co.kr |
115 | Sierra Leone | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Nigeria | 234-9- 461-2701 | 234-9- 461-2702 | emb-ng@mofa.go.kr |
116 | Singapore | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Singapore | 65-6256-1188 | 65-6254-3191 | korembsg@mofa.go.kr |
117 | Slovakia | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Slovakia | 421-2-3307-0711 | 421-2-3307-0730 | admin2@rokembassy.sk |
118 | Slovenia | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Austria | 43-1-478-1991 | 43-1-478-1013 | mail@koreaemb.at |
119 | Somalia | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Kenya | 254-20-361-5000 | 254-20-374-1337 | emb-ke@mofa.go.kr |
120 | South Africa | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in South Africa | 27-12-460-2508 | 27-12-460-1158 | embsa@mofa.go.kr |
121 | Spain | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Spain | 34-91-353-2000 | 91-353-2001 | embspain.adm@mofa.go.kr |
122 | Sri Lanka | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Sri Lanka | 94-11-269-9036~8 | 94-11-269-6699 | korembsl@mofa.go.kr |
123 | Sudan | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Sudan | 249-1-8358-0031~2 | 249-1-8358-0025 | sudan@mofa.go.kr |
124 | Sweden | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Sweden | 46-8-5458-9400 | 46-8-660-2818 | koremb.sweden@mofa.go.kr |
125 | Switzerland | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Switzerland | 41-31-356-2444 | 41-31-356-2450 | swiss@mofa.go.kr |
126 | Syria | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Lebanon | 961-5-922-846 | 961-5-953-170 | lbkor@mofa.go.kr |
127 | Taiwan | Korean Mission in Taipei | 886-2-2758-8320∼5 | 886-2-2757-7006 | taipei@mofa.go.kr |
128 | Tajikistan | Embassy of the Republic | 992-44-600-2114; | 992-37-224-6142 | tajik@mofa.go.kr |
No. | Country/Region | Office | Phone | Fax | |
of Korea in Tajikistan | 9116 | ||||
129 | Tanzania | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Tanzania | 255-22-211-6086~8 | 255-22-211-6099 | embassy-tz@mofa.go.kr |
130 | Thailand | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Thailand | 662-247-7537∼9 | 662-247-7535 | koembth@mofa.go.kr |
131 | Timor-Leste | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Timor-Leste | 670-332-1635 | 670-332-1636 | koreadili@mofa.go.kr |
132 | Togo | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Ghana | 233-30-277-6157 | 233-30-277-2313 | ghana@mofa.go.kr |
133 | Trinidad and Tobago | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Trinidad and Tobago | 1-868-622-9081; 1069 | 1-868-628-8745 | trinidad@mofa.go.kr koremb.tt@gmail.com |
134 | Tunisia | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Tunisia | 216-71-799-905 | 216-71-791-923 | tunisie@mofa.go.kr |
135 | Turkey | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Turkey | 90-312-468-4822 | 90-312-468-2279 | turkey@mofa.go.kr |
136 | Turkmenistan | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Turkmenistan | 993-12-94-72-86~8 | 993-12-94-72-89 | korembtm@mofa.go.kr |
137 | Uganda | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Uganda | 256-414-500-197~8 | 256-414-500-199; 256-781-354-605 | emb.kampala@mofa.go.kr |
138 | UK | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in UK | 44-20-7227-5500 | 44-20-7227-5503 | koreanembinuk@mofa.go.kr |
139 | Ukraine | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Ukraine | 380-44-246-3759; 61 | 380-44-246-3757 | koremb@mofa.go.kr |
140 | Uruguay | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Uruguay | 598-2628-9374~5 | 598-2628-9376 | koemur@mofa.go.kr |
141 | U.S.A | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the USA | 202-939-5600 | 202-797-0595 | - |
Chicago Korean Education Center | 847-777-8830 | kec.chicago@gmail.com | |||
Houston Korean Education Center | 713-961-4104 | 713-961-4135 | hkecsec@gmail.com | ||
Korean Education Center in L.A. | 213-386-3112~3 | 213-386-3138 | kecla3112@gmail.com | ||
Korean Education Center in New York | 646-674-6051 | 646-674-6055 | edu@koreanconsulate.org | ||
142 | Uzbekistan | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Uzbekistan | 998-71-252-3151~3 | 998-71-140-0248 | uzkoremb@mofa.go.kr |
143 | Venezuela | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Venezuela | 58-212-954-1270 | 58-212-954-0619 | venezuela@mofa.go.kr |
144 | Vietnam | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Vietnam | 84-4-3831-5110~6 | 84-4-3831-5117 | korembviet@mofa.go.kr |
145 | Zambia | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Zimbabwe | 263-4-756-541~4 | 263-4-756-554 | admirok@zol.co.zw |
146 | Zimbabwe | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Zimbabwe | 263-4-756-541~4 | 263-4-756-554 | zim@mofa.go.kr |
Hello sir I want to apply gks scholarship but my exams are on going and after 2.3 months I will get my result I read in class 12 can I apply scholarship now and after getting the results can I submit the greade