Complete Guide to TOPIK - Self Study Package BX0121


Best Self-Study Course to Prepare for TOPIK Test

check topik result
February 11, 2022
Dr. Satish Satyarthi

Here we are presenting a step-by-step guide to check your Result. The TOPIK results are published on

Just follow the steps given below:

Upcoming TOPIK Test Result Announcements:

April TOPIK (93rd) Results: 30th May 3 PM

1. Once you've opened the official website of TOPIK you can change the language of your choice from the options provided.

Topik result

2. Click on 성적확인 or "Check your score" button on the left corner of the page which will directly take you the next page.

Topik result

3. Select 제90회 (Or whatever your test number is) from 회차선택 (Test Held) drop-down box, enter your registration number in 수험번호 (Registration No.) box and select your date of birth in 생년월일 (Date of birth) section.

4. Click on the 검색 (Search) button.

5. Then enter the exam session, admission ticket number, date of birth on the following interface and then search.

6. Finally, click and print " 증명서출력" on the score page to complete.

TOPIK Test Structure

TOPIK test has two levels – TOPIK-I and TOPIK-II. TOPIK-I, i.e. the beginner level, has two sublevels – 1 & 2 while, TOPIK-II, i.e. Intermediate-Advanced level, has 4 sublevels – 3, 4, 5 & 6.

TOPIK score or certificate is valid for 2 years.

Within the valid period, you have unlimited access to your result online at TOPIK Website where you can check your score and print your report.

Printed version of Score Report will not be provided. Korean Proficiency Test TOPIK transcripts have been canceled offline mailing, all of them are checked on the official website and printed.

For technical issues in printing your score report, please contact TOPIK Korean office at

TOPIK Levels and Passing Score

TOPIK Levels & passing marks

To understand TOPIK Test structure, application process, Levels and Passing scores etc. check these pages:

  1. TOPIK – The Complete Guide & 2. TOPIK Levels and Passing Marks. You can also Practice Online with TOPIK GUIDE Mock Tests.

If you are going to take the TOPIK Test for the first time, or if you want to give your score a boost so that you can pass a higher level, we would strongly advise you to get the Complete Guide to TOPIK – Self-Study Package. It is a digital study package that has everything you need to get a great score in the TOPIK test – all the past TOPIK papers with answer sheets, grammar and vocabulary study material, video tutorials explaining the test structure, strategies to solve them and much more. You can check out more details about this study package HERE.

  • Sir I am confusion how can we get certificate ? we need to print self or Topik team will send us ? if possible please answer me…

  • hey. I’ve tried to check my score continously but it still didn’t work. please help me? my id: 2701700052 and my birthdate: 30/10/1997 but when I took the test, the teachers told us to add another 0’s? I forgot where to add the 0 ㅠㅠ so I guess it’s 000270170000052?

  • Hi, I keep getting this message 작동하지 않습니다. 관리자에게 문의하세요. Can you please check my score? Feb 25, 1974. 004047010016.

  • Has anyone managed to print out a copy of their TOPIK certificate? Ive tried so many times using internet explorer but whenever i press the 출력 it just shows a blank page. Help please! ><

  • hi, may i know the result of my exam last july 19 if there is the result now please.. thank you.. my birthday is 19870521 and my registration number is 001097000084

  • Hi it’s leah lee….i want to know my result from july19,2015 birthday is november 08,1980..thanks in advance!!

  • Good morning,
    I had taken my first topik 1 last july 19,
    May i know the result please^
    My birthday is 19780228 and my registration number is 001097000019
    Thank you

  • hello! Can u help me to know the result of my test? I passed in 07.19
    my birthday: 1989.07.28
    registration number: 001047000004.

  • hi, may i know the result of my exam last july 19 if there is the result now please.. thank you.. my birthday is 1988.03.01 and my registration number is 001177000102

  • Hi I need to know my score but I cannot install the program
    My birthday is 1996 12 06 and my number is 001117000021

  • Hi, this is HAK KIMHONG,
    May i know if i had passed my topik exam please.
    My birthday 19920204
    Registration number 001097000032

  • Hello would you please be so kind and tell me my score. Birthdate is 4th of march 1991 and reg no is 1541024200
    Kind regards and thanks for the hard work!

  • would you mind check my score topik lvl 2?
    i’ve tried check but it something wrong, so i didn’t pass this exam or?
    1993. june. 5
    thank you

  • Would you mind checking my TOPIK I result please?
    I’ve already tried but the website went wrong.

    TOPIK 36th (2014.10.12)
    My registration number is 014017000152
    My birth date is 1994.03.01

    Please send through my email.
    Thank you so much! ^^

  • Hi. If I’m not mistaken, the result for TOPIK 42nd will be released this Friday, right? I can’t seem to install the thing in my laptop. Can you please check the result for me later?
    Application No: 021018000001
    DOB: 31st July 1992.

  • Hello Could you please check the result for me? I cannot install the program T.T
    My registration number is 001047000077
    My DoB is 25 february 1995

  • My laptop can’t run Xsecure ,so I can’t check my TOPIK result
    Please you send my 42th TOPIK result when it is released to my email.
    My exam number: 014018000003
    Birthday : 1990-03-22

  • I’m using a Mac so i can’t check my result 🙁
    Please can you check my result once it is out?
    My registration number is: 027038000008
    DoB: 1995-04-06
    42nd TOPIK

    Thank you.

  • Hi TOPIK Guide,

    Could you please check my score report and sent to my email? This is my registration number 027018000111 and date of birth 24 July 1992.

    Thank you for your attention.

  • Hi TOPIK Guide,

    Could you please check my score report ( certificate ) and sent to my email? This is my registration number 025017000463 and date of birth 10 May 1991.

    Thank you for your kind help!!

  • Hi! Could you please check my score report ( certificate ) and sent to my email?I couldn’t install the program on my pc.
    My registration number is 025017000462
    My Birthday is 16 August 1988..

    Thank you so much!!

  • For people who are having difficulty using the trouble shooter for downloading the security software to view the results- First access IE tools (alt-T) check the pop up settings, allow pop ups or add to sites that allow pop-ups, then check compatability view settings (also under alt-t) and add to allowed sites. You will need to restart Internet Explorer after installing the update thing.

  • would you mind to check my result?
    I can’t see that.
    42nd TOPIK Exam..
    Registered number.025018000164
    Birthday. 11 December 1996
    Name.Aung Zin Win
    Please send my result by via Email.

  • why is it so complicated. it didn’t work. could you please check for me my Registration code is 038017000023
    date of birth is 1992 09 21
    Name Chan Satya

  • Hi! Could you please check my 42nd TOPIK examination result. Please send it on my email. Here’s my application no. 018017000053 and DOB: January 25 1993. Thank you

  • Hi! Could you please check my 42nd TOPIK examination result? Please send it on my email. Here’s my application no.021018000038and DOB: December 25th 1997. Thank you

  • Dear TOPIK Guide Team,
    Please could you send my 42 TOPIK exam results to the following email:

    Registration number: 007018000182
    Date of birth: 1992.06.04 (4 June 1992)

    Beforehand thank you so much for your assistance
    and I look forward to your response!

  • 안녕하세요~ Can you please check my result and send to my email? I am not able to check it.
    13/12/1993 Thanks a lot~~

  • Hi, would you pls help me to check if I made through my level one?
    My registration number is 0210170000126, 1991/01/31
    Thanks a lot ^^

  • The topic website is not working for me. ㅠ.ㅠ
    Please kindly check my result, too.
    I took the 42nd topic last Oct 18, 2015.
    수험번호: 018017000042
    Date of Birth: 1982/10/10
    Thank you so much!!!!

  • Please help me check my result
    DOB: 12.02.1992
    Rregistration number: 013018030039
    topik 42nd

    Please send the result via email. Thanks so much

  • Hi, would you pls help me to check my result?
    my registration number is 0210170000126
    Birthday 1991/01/31
    Thanks a lot ^^

  • I tried to apply for the certificate but i only get small black icon with white background on the pop up tab 🙁
    what should i do?

  • Would you mind checking my 42nd TOPIK result please? I’ve already tried to follow the steps but 조회하기 button didn’t work!
    My registration number is 027027000029 and my birth date is 1995/10/01
    Please send it to me via email. Thank you for your help! 🙂

  • Hello, I’ve tried to check my score but didn’t work.
    Would you please help me to check my result?
    my registration number is 027027000088
    Birthday 1995/10/08

    Thank you very much.

  • Can you check my result for me, please.
    I can’t check it on website. I tried but it didn’t work.
    my mail is and brithdate is 22.04.1991
    Topik I – Registration number – 025017000024
    Topik II Registration number – 025018000020

  • Please kindly check my result
    I took the 42nd topic last Oct 18, 2015.
    수험번호: 018017000148
    Date of Birth: 1989/01/05
    Thank you so much.

  • Please, Can you check my friends results of 42nd topik exam.
    Thiri Swe, 025027000005, 1993 february 19
    Win Min Tun , 025027000006, 1985 June 5
    Aung Ko Win, 025027000008 , 1985 July 13
    San Lin Tun, 0250270000009 , 1983 March 18
    Hein Min Thu , 025027000010 , 1994 April 16

  • Could you please check my result




    Via e-mail

    Thank you very much:)

  • Please check the result of my friends.
    1.Name .Thet Phu Ngon
    Roll no.025027000011

    2.Name.Hnin Moe Thwe
    Roll no.025027000015
    Thanks …

  • There is another no of my friends.
    Thank you so much for helping.
    Name. Ei Zin Phyo
    Registration no. 025028000143.

  • its so complicated for result check. System limitation for only IE. please check the result for me and please send PDF for file printing. Please send the result to me via email.
    registration no. 014018020079
    DOB: 1983/01/10

  • Hi
    Please check the result out.
    Win Pa Pa Naing

    Na Wa Ratt Shwe Sin Htun
    Thanks a lot for helping.