Complete Guide to TOPIK - Self Study Package BX0121


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AVN ~(는)군요

Today we'll be looking at the usage of "A/V/N ~(는)군요" Korean grammar point with some examples.

Usage :

The usage of ~(는)군요 is fairly simple. It is used by the speaker to express surprise, a sudden realization of something new. For example, if you want to say to someone, "Oh! you like ice cream", you will say, 아이스크림을 좋아하는군요. 

This grammar pattern is used when speaker learns a new fact/information and reacts with surprise. This can be used for direct observation or experience. 

It can be equivalent to saying " I see / I didn't know that. "

For e.g. Is that so? I didn't knew that He is a teacher. 

그렇군요? 그는 선생님인지 몰랐어요.

Conjugation rule :

You just have to add 는군요 after removing 다 from the base form of the verb, and have to add 군요 after removing 다 from the stem of the adjective and (이)군요 after the Noun.

Verb + 는군요

Adj + 군요

Noun + (이)군요

Let's see some examples; -

Verb : ~는군요

1. It's snowing in Seoul.

서울에는 눈이 내리는군요.

2. You're building a new house over there.

저기에 새 집을 짓는군요.

3. Your child eats well regardless of food.

아이가 음식을 가리지 않고 잘 먹는군요.

Adjective : 군요

1. The child has big and pretty eyes because he resembles dad.

아이가 아빠 닮아서 눈이 크고 예쁘군요.

2. I was looking for my cell phone for a long time, and it was there.

휴대 전화를 한참 찾았는데 거기에 있었군요.

3. Time flies so fast that we're parents already.

우리가 벌써 부모가 되다니 세월이 참 빠르군요.

Noun : (이)군요 

While using 군 with nouns you can either attached 이 or omit.

1. 선생님이다 - 선생님이군요 / 선생님군요.

2. 가수이다 - 가수이군요 / 가수군요.

Note: For formal speech use 는군요. For informal speech use 구나 or 는구나.

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