Complete Guide to TOPIK - Self Study Package BX0121


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Today we'll be looking at the usage of "Verb +지 말다" Korean grammar pattern with some examples.

The equivalent meaning of this grammar pattern in English would be "Don't do (something)"

Usage :

If you want to say "Don't do something", you can use this grammar pattern.

This pattern is used to issue a prohibition against the action or state of the main verb.

Generally we use this grammar pattern in the form -지 마세요 or 지 마요 or 지 마.

Conjugation rule :

To use 지 말다 in a sentence, first we remove ~다 from the base form of the verb and then we add ~지 말다 to the verb stem, irrespective of whether the stem ends with a consonant or vowel.

For example, let's take the verb 가다.  So we want to say "Don't go.". We will remove 다 from 가다 and 가 stem will remain. So the conjugation will work like following:

가지 마세요. (Very polite)

가지 마요. (Polite)

가지 마. (Impolite/casual)

Let's see some example sentences :

1) Don't sit.

앉지 마세요.

2) Don't go.

가지 마세요.

3) Don't smoke here.

여기서는 담배를 피우지 마세요.

4) Don’t call.

전화하지 마요

5) Don't make a noise in the classroom.

교실에서는 떠들지 마세요.

6) Don't get sick and always stay healthy.

아프지 말고 항상 건강하게 지내세요.

Related Grammar Patterns:

Permission and Prohibition in Korean

Thank you for reading. If you have any questions or suggestions. Comment down below.

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