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Learning grammar is one of the most difficult things for Korean language learners. On this blog we will try to help you learn Korean grammar in the quickest and easiest way possible. This blog will be helpful for those who are studying Korean language and want to improve their grammar skills.

Today we’ll see how to form sentences with grammar pattern "(으)ㄹ까요?" with some example sentences.

을까요/ ㄹ까요 grammar is used after the verb stem in three possible scenarios mentioned below :

  • While asking for someone’s opinion,
  • While suggesting to do something together or, 
  • Used for questions, thoughts or guesses.

How to conjugate 을까요 / ㄹ까요 grammar pattern?






Verb + 을까요?

If the word has final consonant (받침) or ㄹ

먹을까요 etc.


Verb + ㄹ까요?

If the word has no final consonant


볼까요 etc.

After removing 다 from the verb base form, if the verb stem is ending with a final consonant (받침), we use 을까요.

For example : 먹다

먹 (ㄱ Final consonant )

먹 + 을까요 = 먹을까요

So 먹다 becomes 먹을까요

After removing 다 from the verb base form, if the verb stem is not ending with a final consonant (받침), we have to use ㄹ까요.

For example : 보다

보 ( 오 Final vowel )

보 + ㄹ까요 = 볼까요

So 보다 becomes 볼까요


  • 오늘 점심에 뭐 먹을까요? - What shall we eat for lunch today?
  • 오늘 밤에 저녁 나가서 먹을까요? - Should we go out for dinner tonight?
  • 그러면 끊을까요? - Should I turn it off then?
  • 이거 드릴까요? - Shall I give you this?
  • 파티에 제가 뭘 가져갈까요? - What should I bring to the party?
  • 어디 다른 데로 갈까요? - Can we go somewhere else?
  • 그래요? 그럼 지효 씨한테 이걸 맡길까요? - Really? Shall I leave this with Ms. Jiwoo?
  • 이번에 누구한테 줄까요? - To whom should I give this?

Tip :

While talking to strangers, people older than you in age or high in position. Always use (으)ㄹ까요? with honorifics. You can drop 요~ in the end of the sentences when using it with your friends or anyone closer to you. 

The sentences then can be formed like :

  • 오늘 점심에 뭐 먹을까? - What shall we eat for lunch today?
  • 오늘 밤에 저녁 나가서 먹을까? - Should we go out for dinner tonight?
  • 그럼 끊을까? - Should I turn it off then?
  • 이거 드릴까? - Shall I give you this?
  • 파티에 제가 뭘 가져갈까? - What should I bring to the party?
  • 어디 다른 데로 갈까? - Can we go somewhere else?
  • 그래? 그럼 지효 한테 이걸 맡길까? - Really? Shall I leave this with Jiwoo?
  • 이번에 누구한테 줄까? - To whom should I give this?

Check out the list of 200 Korean verbs given below and practice making your own sentences with (으)ㄹ까요 ending.

Learning Korean can be tricky, especially when the goal of your learning is conversation. If you’ve ever attempted to speak Korean but were unable to, then hopefully you’ll find this post helpful.

Thank you for reading. If you have any questions or suggestions. Comment down below. 

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