Complete Guide to TOPIK - Self Study Package BX0121


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Today we'll be looking at the usage of "Adjective/Verb+더라고요" Korean grammar point with some examples.

Conjugation rule :

This grammar pattern can be used with verbs or adjectives. 더라고요 is attached with Adjective/Verb irrespective of whether they are ending with a patchim or vowel. 

Usage :

This grammar pattern is used to recall something from past that the speaker noticed/realised/experienced first hand. It can be translated as I felt/experienced/noticed/realised that .....

Let's take an example:

주말에 부산에 갔는데 날씨가 좋더라고요.

I went to Busan on weekend and I realized/felt that the weather was nice. 

The same information can also be conveyed with 좋았어요 instead of 좋더라고요 (like 주말에 부산에 갔는데 날씨가 좋았어요.) but 좋더라고요 has two extra layers of nuances that 좋았어요 doesn't have.

First, that the speaker is 'recalling' some new information from past and second that he/she witnessed or experienced the weather himself/herself. 

This sentence has the 갔는데 part, which is already giving the info that the speaker went there but even if that part was not there, 좋더라고요 would convey that the speaker was there to feel the weather.

If you just say '주말에 부산 날씨가 좋았어요' it can mean that maybe you got this info from weather forecast or from friend who visited Busan.

Some more examples : 
  1. 어제 보니까 줄리아 씨가 한국어 진짜 잘하더라고요. 
    I saw yesterday that Julia speaks very good Korean.
  2. 인도는 물가가 싼 줄 알았는데 비싸더라고요.
    I thought the prices are cheap in India but I realized that they are expensive.
  3. 어제 재영 씨 여자 친구를 봤는데 예쁘더라고요.
    I saw Je-Yeoung's girlfriend yesterday and noticed that she is beautiful.
  4. 존 씨는 매운 음식을 잘 먹더라고요.
    I realized that John eats spicy food well.


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