This is a large list of the most common Korean proverbs which is useful for the TOPIK test as well in general for Korean language [Read More]
Best Self-Study Course to Prepare for TOPIK Test
Best Self-Study Course to Prepare for TOPIK Test
This is a large list of the most common Korean proverbs which is useful for the TOPIK test as well in general for Korean language [Read More]
Using Korean slang to your vocabulary is the perfect way to spice up your everyday Korean conversation by sounding more like locals. Korean slang phrases [Read More]
Korean tongue twisters, although weird and funny, most follow the grammar and sentence structure rules of the language. Korean tongue twisters are a popular way [Read More]
Learning numbers in Korean doesn't require hard fast skills or experience. You can learn them in a span of 30 minutes.Knowing how to read and [Read More]
Brushing up on your Korean conversation skills? Through this post, you will be able to learn Korean sentences with their English meaning and Korean pronunciation [Read More]
In our previous post we have already learnt about the basic terms used for family members in Korean. After learning the basic terms for family [Read More]
Learning Korean pronouns for English speakers could be pretty difficult as there are three separate levels of speeches used depending on whom you talk to [Read More]
Today we'll be looking at different words related to school and grades in Korean.Check Complete TOPIK Schedule in 2022You can check the registration details of [Read More]
Today we'll be looking at different school/university/college subjects in Korean.Check Complete TOPIK Schedule in 2022You can check the registration details of the next TOPIK in [Read More]
Below is the list of all the names of Korean universities arranged in the alphabetical order : A – Nos. English Names Korean Names 1 [Read More]
Today we'll be looking at different terms related to vehicles and their different parts in Korean.Check Complete TOPIK Schedule in 2022You can check the registration [Read More]
Today we'll be looking at different terms related to driving in Korean. Check Complete TOPIK Schedule in 2022You can check the registration details of the [Read More]
Today we'll be looking at different terms related to travelling in Korean. NO.ENGLISH TERMKOREAN TERMROMANISATION1Passport여권Yeo-gwon2A visa비자Bi-ja3Baggage짐/수하물Jim/ Su-ha-mul4To pack짐 싸다Jim ssa-da5To pack꾸리다Kku-rida6Arrival도착Do-chak7Departure출발Chul-bal8Departure from a country출국Chul-kuk9Jet lag시차 병Si-cha [Read More]
Today we'll be looking at different shapes and how to describe them in Korean.No.ENGLISH TERMKOREAN TERM1Circle원2Oval타원3Quadrangle사각형4Square정사각형5Rectangle직사각형6Triangle삼각형7Equilateral triangle정삼각형8Right-angled triangle직삼각형9Inverted triangle역삼각형10Pentagon오각형11Hexagon육각형12Heptagon칠각형13Octagon팔각형14Polygon다각형15Line선16Straight line직선17Diagonal line대각선18Spiral나선19Rhombus마름모20Diamond shape다이아몬드21Full moon shape보름달22Half-moon shape반달23Crescent [Read More]
Following are the list of tastes described in Korean :no.English TermKorean Term1To be sweet달다2To be spicy맵다3To be bland싱겁다 4To be salty짜다5To be sour시다6To be bitter쓰다7To [Read More]
Following are the name of Korean companies listed in the alphabetical order. 1.Aju Group아주그룹2.AKOM애이콤프로덕션3.Amorepacific Corporation아모레퍼시픽4.Asia Cement아세아시멘트5.Asiana Airlines아시아나항공6.BC Card비씨카드7.Bexel벡셀8.Big Hit Entertainment빅히트 엔터테인먼트9.Bubang Techron Co.부방테크론10.Busan Bank부산은행11.Busan Transportation [Read More]
You must be aware of the 16 different Meyers Briggs' personality types. Today we'll learn how to say the different personality types in Korean.When you [Read More]
Today we're looking at the list of terms related to weather and atmosphere like temperature, degrees, wind etc. The list provided below consists of English terms [Read More]
Today we have brought to you the list of terms and words related to household items and appliances used at home which you may come [Read More]
Today we have brought to you the list of terms and words used while driving in Korean you may come across more often while your [Read More]
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