Complete Guide to TOPIK - Self Study Package BX0121


Best Self-Study Course to Prepare for TOPIK Test

May 25, 2011
Dr. Satish Satyarthi
We are planning to start a series of posts on our website as well as on our facebook page analyzing the pattern and structure of TOPIK papers.. We will discuss the type of questions that come frequently and proper methods to solve them… we will also solve the questions of all parts one by one with detailed explanations.. Will you guys please suggest which level we should start with- Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced? Thank you….
  • Thank you for all the work, it’s very helpful!

    About the suggestion, since I am a beginner myself I would love it if you could start with that level! ^^

  • Hi ..this is great work !!
    very helpful site. I am preparing for intermediate .
    But as the grammer n vocab gets would be a great help if you could guide if we translate to Hindi (for better understanding like markers etc). Coz Korean and Hindi are similar in subject -object orientation .

    Thanks a ton buddies 🙂

  • @Grisha… Thank you for the valuable tip.. It would be better if you could post it yourself on our facebook page:

    @Priya.. Thank you so much for your encouraging words…
    You are right Korean and Hindi have a number of similarities..
    I also made a blog to help students in learning Korean through Hindi:
    But I have not been able to write there for a long time… I will try to continue that again…

  • Thank you very much to Satish Chandra Satyarthi!! You really are doing a great work. Please, could you star with “beginner level”?

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